Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v3r4p1
! 2017-07-16 - Paras Naik
- "Tagged" as v3r4p1 (internally, since only Panoptes gets a tag now).
- Added the final CK angle resolution and error to summary.txt.
- The CK angle resolution for each iteration is now printed and picked up by the hlt02 log file.
- Change to RichAnalyzer, to pick up MDCS corrections if need be from new xmlMDCS configurable. If xmlMDCS is blank, the MDCS corrections from the CondDB are used.
- If testing is true AND an update is desired, we now append '_testing' to the output v xml file, and we also make sure that DB update is None instead of True.
- Also, if testing is true, we no longer overwrite the previous polarity file.
! 2017-07-13 - Paras Naik
- warningFactor is now given to RichMirrCombinFit by
Edited by Paras Naik