"Tagged" as v3r4p1 (internally, since only Panoptes gets a tag now).
Added the final CK angle resolution and error to summary.txt.
The CK angle resolution for each iteration is now printed and picked up by the hlt02 log file.
Change to RichAnalyzer, to pick up MDCS corrections if need be from new xmlMDCS configurable.
If xmlMDCS is blank, the MDCS corrections from the CondDB are used.
If testing is true AND an update is desired, we now append '_testing' to the
output v xml file, and we also make sure that DB update is None instead of True.
Also, if testing is true, we no longer overwrite the previous polarity file.
! 2017-07-13 - Paras Naik
warningFactor is now given to RichMirrCombinFit by RichAlignmentHelper.py