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Update TrackSys package to swallow main switchers for the HLT1 throughput and physics scenarios

Renato Quagliani requested to merge rquaglia_updateTrackSys into master

Update the TrackSys package to configure directly via a Dictionary the main configuration of the HLT1 reconstruction sequence. Add some extra flags to TrackSys and propagate them to ease the Throughput measurements.

I don't know if this is the way to work and modify the TrackSys package, but i think for such important task as tuning and test various configurations and Performance in different HLT1 scenarios it would be useful to have the flag introduced (whcih is a dictionay) inside the TrackSys package.

Basically ConfigHLT is a dictionary containing the main physics handles one can plug in the HLT1 sequence and this make much easier to reproduce the phsyics scenarios we are studying and align various people benchmarking and measuring performance with the same set of algorithms in HLT1, with the same configuration.

The defaults picked up are the one used before : NO GEC, VelUT without IPCut and minPT of 300 MeV, ForwardHLT1 with minPT of 400 MeV, using the second Loop and PreselectionPT of 300 MeV.

The displaced track reconstruction is instead IPCut true and 0.1 mm , VeloUT minPT 0.8 GeV, Forward minPT 1.0 GeV.

        "ConfigHLT1" : { "GEC" : -1 ,  #GEC to be applied , if negative value, the PrGECFilter is not executed
                          "VeloHLT1"   :   "Default" , # or "BestTiming"
                          "VeloUTHLT1" : { "IPCut" : False,
                                           "IPCutVal" : 0.1 * mm ,
                                           "minPT" : 0.3 * GeV
                          "ForwardHLT1" : { "minPT" : 0.4 * GeV , 
                                            "SecondLoop" : True , 
                                            "PreselectionPT" : 0.3 * GeV 

For the maximal throuhgput we get so far

       "BestThroughput" : False [default] #True for best

This triggers the configuration of the VeloTracking wich is faster and not so bad for Tr.Efficiencies. And it also enable PrStoreUTHit().skipBanksWithErrors = True.

There is an extra flag called BestThroughput which is not configuring the tracking scenarios but set to True the skipBanksWithErrors for the PrStoreUTHit (as @sponce put in the , now removed )

FYI : @cattanem , @adudziak , @fpolci , @decianm , @sstahl , @sponce , @gligorov .

This has to be un-WIP and tested together with Brunel!489 (merged)

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
