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Removed counters from L, S correction tools

Oleksandr Zenaiev requested to merge remove-counters into master

Dropped old counters in CaloFutureLCorrection, CaloFutureSCorrection tools as now counters are available in algorithms which use these tools (in CaloFutureShowerOverlap new counters were implemented in !2237 (merged), also there are similar counters in ClassifyPhotonElectron and CaloFutureMergedPi0)

FYI @graven @cmarinbe : I did not remove counters in CaloFutureECorrection since some of them might be useful, e.g. there is a counter of pileup energy subtraction which (I think) is the only way to check pileup subtraction. There should be no impact on performance since

  • the corrections are not used by CaloFutureShowerOverlap in baseline reconstruction now,
  • calling them from ClassifyPhotonElectron and CaloFutureMergedPi0 is a minor thing.

edit(acasaisv): Moore!679 (merged), Brunel!1097 (merged) referece update MRs

Edited by Adrian Casais Vidal

Merge request reports
