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Algorithm for deriving FTMatCalibration values, turn on calibration by default

Izaac Sanderswood requested to merge isanders-matcontraction-alg into master

Configured in Alignment!453 (merged)

Algorithm for monitoring of SciFi mat-end contraction and calculation of calibration values from the mean residuals per channel.

Makes one histogram per mat with one bin per channel, each for the residual calculated using the current calibration values and for the residual less the calibration value (i.e. the residual calculated wrt no calibration).

These histograms are used to obtain the calibration values.

Can produce a yaml file that looks like

  matContractionT1X1Q0M0Mat0: [-0.132600963, -0.116477177, ... 

to be used in the conditions.

Also turns on the calibration by default in the reconstruction.

Edited by Giulia Tuci

Merge request reports
