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Fix RICH lumi counters

Edoardo Franzoso requested to merge ef_fixLumiCountersFromRich into master

Follow !3472 (merged). A Rich Counter is defined as follows:

  • R --> rich detector
  • S --> side (defines the plane, up-down for RICH1 and left-right for RICH2)
  • C --> column (each side is made up of horizontal (vertical) columns for RICH1(2))
  • M --> module

This merge request addresses a bug. The number of hits in the modules of side 2 was consistently reported as 0 for both RICH1 and RICH2. This number was added to the number of hits in the same module on side 1 instead, resulting in an incorrect hits count on both sides.

Hits are now managed using a map that includes the counter name and the corresponding number of hits.

@fferrari @elniel @rsadek @gcavalle

Should go to master and also cherry picked for the processing of 2023 VdM data.

Edited by Carla Marin Benito

Merge request reports
