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Commit d4cb5f79 authored by Sevda Esen's avatar Sevda Esen Committed by Sebastien Ponce
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fix an error in momentum calculation introduced in lhcb/Rec!2898

parent 1981ea88
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......@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ StatusCode FastMomentumEstimate::calculateImpl( const DeMagnet& magnet, const fl
const auto params = getVeloParams( magnet.useRealMap(), tCubicFit );
const auto coef = params[0] + params[1] * txT * txT + params[2] * txT * txT * txT * txT + params[3] * txV * tyV +
params[4] * tyV * tyV * tyV * tyV;
const auto coef = params[0] + params[1] * txT * txT + params[2] * txT * txT * txT * txT + params[3] * txT * txV +
params[4] * tyV * tyV + params[5] * tyV * tyV * tyV * tyV;
const auto proj = sqrt( ( 1. + txV * txV + tyV * tyV ) / ( 1. + txV * txV ) );
const auto scaleFactor = magnet.signedRelativeCurrent();
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