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Commit 6c90307e authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Merge branch 'flake8_JetMomentTools' into 'master'

JetMomentTools: cleanup and enable flake8

See merge request atlas/athena!39279
parents 8f94d655 db8b00d5
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...@@ -34,14 +34,6 @@ from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags ...@@ -34,14 +34,6 @@ from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
jetFlags.noStandardConfig.set_Value_and_Lock(True) jetFlags.noStandardConfig.set_Value_and_Lock(True)
jetFlags.evgenJets.set_Value_and_Lock(True) jetFlags.evgenJets.set_Value_and_Lock(True)
# This is necessary to properly disable JVF tools...
# Unfortunately, the functions only exist in newer releases...
from JetMomentTools import JetMomentsConfigHelpers
JetMomentsConfigHelpers.recommendedAreaAndJVFMoments = lambda *l,**a:None
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration # Configuration
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -27,15 +27,11 @@ if( NOT XAOD_STANDALONE ) ...@@ -27,15 +27,11 @@ if( NOT XAOD_STANDALONE )
LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AsgTools CaloIdentifier xAODCaloEvent xAODJet GaudiKernel JetCalibToolsLib JetEDM JetInterface JetRecLib JetUtils PFlowUtilsLib PathResolver JetMomentToolsLib ${extra_libs} ) LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AsgTools CaloIdentifier xAODCaloEvent xAODJet GaudiKernel JetCalibToolsLib JetEDM JetInterface JetRecLib JetUtils PFlowUtilsLib PathResolver JetMomentToolsLib ${extra_libs} )
endif() endif()
atlas_add_dictionary( JetMomentToolsDict atlas_add_dictionary( JetMomentToolsDict
Root/JetMomentToolsDict.h Root/JetMomentToolsDict.h
Root/selection.xml Root/selection.xml
LINK_LIBRARIES JetMomentToolsLib PFlowUtilsLib ) LINK_LIBRARIES JetMomentToolsLib PFlowUtilsLib )
# Install files from the package: # Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py ) atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} )
atlas_install_runtime( share/*.root )
atlas_install_data( share/*.root ) atlas_install_data( share/*.root )
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration # Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from __future__ import print_function from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
def interpretJetName(jetcollName, finder = None,input=None, mainParam=None): def interpretJetName(jetcollName, finder = None,input=None, mainParam=None):
# first step : guess the finder, input , mainParam, if needed # first step : guess the finder, input , mainParam, if needed
if finder is None: if finder is None:
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# @file: JetMomentTools/python/
# @purpose: <Copy some moments from a collection to another >
# @author: P-A Delsart <delsart in2p3 fr>
__doc__ = 'some documentation here'
__version__ = '$Revision: 1.5 $'
__author__ = 'Sebastien Binet <>'
import AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits as Units
import AthenaPython.PyAthena as PyAthena
from AthenaPython.PyAthena import StatusCode
import ROOT
class JetCopyMomentsAlg (PyAthena.Alg):
'put some documentation here'
def __init__(self, name='JetCopyMomentsAlg', **kw):
## init base class
kw['name'] = name
super(JetCopyMomentsAlg, self).__init__(**kw)
## properties and data members
self.Moments = kw.get('Moments', []) # default value
self.JetCollectionSrc = kw.get('JetCollectionSrc', "") # default value
self.JetCollectionDest = kw.get('JetCollectionDest', "") # default value
def initialize(self):'==> initialize...') = PyAthena.py_svc ('StoreGateSvc')
return StatusCode.Success
def execute(self):
jcoll_src = list('JetCollection', self.JetCollectionSrc))
jcoll_dest = list('JetCollection', self.JetCollectionDest))
# sort on constit scale to help with ordering.
jcoll_dest.sort(key= lambda x: )
jcoll_src.sort(key= lambda x: )
getMoment = ROOT.Jet.getMoment
moments = self.Moments
dr = ROOT.JetDistances.deltaR
needUnorderedMatch = False
for i, (jS, jD) in enumerate(zip(jcoll_src, jcoll_dest)):
if dr(jS,jD)>0.05:
needUnorderedMatch = True
for m in moments:
if needUnorderedMatch :
# this may happen because of final Pt cut and a calibration changing order w.r.t lcscale.
# fall back to a double loop with deltaR check on remaining jets
jcoll_src = jcoll_src[i:]
jcoll_dest = jcoll_dest[i:]
for jS in jcoll_src:
for jD in jcoll_dest:
if dr(jS,jD)<0.05:
for m in moments:
return StatusCode.Success
def finalize(self):'==> finalize...')
return StatusCode.Success
# class JetCopyMomentsAlg
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
A set of helper function to configure calculations of additionnal jet moments.
from JetRec.JetAlgConfiguration import checkAndUpdateOptions, standardJetOption
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
from AthenaCommon.JobProperties import jobproperties
from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
from JetRec.JetFinderConfig import setupAreaCalculation
from JetMomentTools.SetupJetMomentTools import *
## A dedicated logger
_momlog = logging.getLogger( 'JetMomentConfig' )
# We try to schedule cpu intensive moment calculation only once. This requires to keep track of
# moments already scheduled for a given collection. Use this dictionnary.
_specialMomentAlgDict = {}
# Some moments request can translate in modification of option to already scheduled moment tool.
# so we keep only one main algorithm (JetAlgorithm or JetMomentCalculator) per jet collection, in order to be able to
# retrieve & modify the relevant moment tool.
# However this can cause dependency issue :
# for example, truth ghostAssoc requires JetTruthParticleFilter to run before. If a 1st call doesn't require truth ghost assoc, then later a 2nd call does, then JetTruthParticleFilter will be scheduled *after* the moment calculator alg...
# workaround : move by jand JetTruthParticleFilter at a proper place in the topSequence or the PreD3PDSequence.
def moveAlgInSequence(alg, seq, newpos):
l = seq.getChildren()
delattr(seq, alg.getName())
seq.insert(newpos, alg)
def checkRequiredAlgPosition(seq, momAlg, requiredAlg):
topSeq = AlgSequence()
if requiredAlg in topSeq:
truthInd = topSeq.getChildren().index(requiredAlg)
if momAlg in topSeq:
index = topSeq.getChildren().index(momAlg)
# then it is in seq, and seq must be in topSeq
index = topSeq.getChildren().index(seq)
# make sure requiredAlg is before index
if truthInd > index:
moveAlgInSequence(requiredAlg, topSeq, index)
# will move requiredAlg in topSeq before seq and momAlg
# where is momAlg ?
seqInd = topSeq.getChildren().index(seq)
if momAlg in topSeq:
index = topSeq.getChildren().index(momAlg)
index = seqInd
delattr(seq, requiredAlg.getName())
topSeq.insert(index, requiredAlg)
def checkTruthParticleFilterPosition(seq, momAlg):
from JetSimTools.JetTruthParticleFilterGetter import JetTruthParticleFilterGetter
truthAlg = JetTruthParticleFilterGetter().alg
checkRequiredAlgPosition(seq, momAlg, truthAlg)
def retrieveFinderTool(toolSeq):
from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetConeFinderTool, JetFastJetFinderTool
for t in toolSeq:
if isinstance(t, JetFastJetFinderTool) or isinstance(t, JetConeFinderTool):
return t
import inspect
def whosdaddy():
l = [ ll[3] for ll in inspect.stack()[2:] ]
return l
# Helper functions to schedule jet moments.
# They are typically wrappers around functions in SetupJetMomentTools which are as generic as possible
# The wrappers below also perform tasks related to the particular jet collection or configuration sequence.
def scheduleMFTool(toolType,jetcollname, jf, alg, seq ,*l):
from JetMomentTools.SetupJetMomentTools import getMatchingFractionTool
tool, requiredAlg = getMatchingFractionTool(jetcollname, toolType, seq)
checkRequiredAlgPosition(seq, alg, requiredAlg)
return tool
from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetWidthTool, NumTowerInJetTool, JetEinSamplingTool
# The dictionnary below lists the known standard moments and how to compute them.
# keys in the dict are shorcuts, they might represent several moments
# values are function used to actually schedule the moment calculations
defaultMoments = {
'ghostAssoc' : lambda *l : None,
'area' : lambda jcoll,jetfinder,*l : setupAreaCalculation(jetfinder, "ActiveArea", addArea4Vec=True, addSecondArea=jetFlags.jetPerformanceJob() ) ,
'quality' : lambda jetcollname,*l : getCaloQualityTool(doCellBasedVars = (jetcollname=="AntiKt4TopoEMJets" or "Tower" in jetcollname ), computeFromCluster = "Tower" not in jetcollname ),
'ktDeltaR' : lambda *l : getsubJetsMomentTool(),
'isolation' : lambda *l : getJetIsolationTool("JetIsolation"),
'jvf' : lambda jetcollname,*l : getJetVertexAssociationTool(toolName=jetcollname+'JVAtool') ,
'jvt' : lambda jetcollname,*l : getJetVertexAssociationTool(toolName=jetcollname+'JVAtool') ,
'trackMoments' : lambda *l : getJetTracksMomentTool(),
'clusMoments' : lambda *l : getJetClusterMomentTool(),
'truthMF' : lambda *l : scheduleMFTool("Truth",*l) ,
'trackMF' : lambda *l : scheduleMFTool("Track",*l) ,
'larHV' : lambda *l : getJetLArHVMomentTool(),
'width' : lambda *l : JetWidthTool(),
'eInSampling' : lambda *l : JetEinSamplingTool(),
'numTowerJet' : lambda *l : NumTowerInJetTool(),
'badChanCorr' : lambda jc,jf,alg,seq,jetAlgConfigDict : getJetBadChanCorrTool(**jetAlgConfigDict),
'origin' : lambda jetcollname,*l : getORIGINMoments(jetcollname),
## The list of standard moments keys used in reconstruction.
standardMoments = standardJetOption("jetMoments")
class TestWithMsg(object):
"""Simply a boolean and a str message explaining why the boolean is False
Also supports & and | operation (logical and or) with concatenation of message"""
def __init__(self, test, failmsg):
self.test, self.failmsg= test, failmsg
def check(self, mName):
if self.test:
return True "No "+mName+" moments for "+self.jetcollname+". Reason : "+self.failmsg)
return False
def __and__(self, o ):
test = self.test and o.test
failmsg = [ t.failmsg for t in (self,o) if not t.test ]
return TestWithMsg( test, ' AND '.join(failmsg) )
def __or__(self, o ):
test = self.test or o.test
failmsg = '' if test else self.failmsg+' AND '+o.failmsg
return TestWithMsg( test, failmsg )
def checkMomentAvailability(jetcollname, momentList, jetAlgConfigDict={}):
""" Input : a jet collection name (jetcollname), list of moment keys (momentList), a jet alg configuration dict (as in JetRec.JetAlgConfiguration)
returns a filtered list of moment keys where moments incompatible with the jet collection or the job conditions are removed.
# we'll need to know what the input file is
from JetRec.JetGetters import guessInputFileType
inputFileType = guessInputFileType()
from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
from JetRec.TrackSelectionForJets import tracksAvailableForJets
TestWithMsg.jetcollname = jetcollname
# short cut flags
# use TestWithMsg rather than simply bool only to be able to display a reason for the rejection of the moment.
accessCells = TestWithMsg( (inputFileType=="RDO") or (inputFileType=="ESD") , "No CaloCell available")
caloJet = TestWithMsg( ("Topo" in jetcollname) or ("Tower" in jetcollname), "Not calo jets")
topoJet = TestWithMsg( "Topo" in jetcollname, "Not TopoCluster jets")
lctopoJet = TestWithMsg( "LCTopo" in jetcollname, "Not LC TopoCluster jets")
notTruthJet = TestWithMsg( 'Truth' not in jetcollname, "Is Truth jets")
tracksAvailable = TestWithMsg( tracksAvailableForJets(), "Tracks selection for jets impossible")
trueTest = TestWithMsg(True,"")
# build the conditions at which moments can be built
compatibilityDict = {
'area' : TestWithMsg('Cone' not in jetcollname, "no area for cone jets"),
'ghostAssoc' : notTruthJet,
'width' : trueTest,
'numTowerJet' : topoJet & accessCells,
'quality' : caloJet,
'badChanCorr' : caloJet & accessCells,
'constitCalib': lctopoJet & TestWithMsg( not jetAlgConfigDict.get('calibName','').startswith("LC:CONST") , "Calibration differ from LC:CONST") ,
'jvf' : caloJet & tracksAvailable,
'larHV' : caloJet & TestWithMsg( (inputFileType=='RDO') and DetFlags.dcs.LAr_on() and globalflags.DataSource()=='data', "No proper LAr info available"),
'eInSampling' : (caloJet & accessCells) | (topoJet),
'truthMF' : TestWithMsg( rec.doTruth() , "Truth not available") & notTruthJet,
'trackMF' : notTruthJet & tracksAvailable,
'trackMoments': notTruthJet & tracksAvailable,
# filter moments :
availableMoments = set([ m for m in momentList if compatibilityDict.get(m, trueTest).check(m) ])
return availableMoments
def findMainAlgForJetCollection(jetcollname, seq = AlgSequence()):
"""Given a JetCollection name (jetcollname) in input, returns an algorithm computing moments for this collection.
The functions explore all know possibilities for finding such algs.
The return value is (alg, set) where
- alg is a JetAlgorithm or a JetMomentCalculator. alg can be None if nothing found or unusable in the case a JetGetter was called with the disable option.
- set : is the set of known moments associated to the alg
# try to find a moment calculator for this collection :
alg , existing_moments = _specialMomentAlgDict.get( jetcollname, (None,set()) )
unknownAlg = alg is None
if alg is None:
# try to find a getter :
from JetRec.JetGetters import retrieveConfiguredJetAlg
alg = retrieveConfiguredJetAlg(jetcollname, retrieveGetter=True)
if alg is not None:
# check if usable :
if not alg.usable():
return ('unusable', set())
# get the real JetAlgorithm
alg = alg.jetAlgorithmHandle()
# in this case, no moment have been associated yet
existing_moments = set()
if alg is None:
# check if a collection exists in input file
from RecExConfig.ObjKeyStore import objKeyStore
if 'JetCollection#'+jetcollname in objKeyStore['inputFile'].list("JetCollection"):
# then create a new moment alg for this collection
from JetRec.JetMomentGetter import getJetMomentAlgorithm
alg = getJetMomentAlgorithm(jetcollname, seq = seq)
# likely to fail...
# try to invoke a standard JetAlgorithm
from JetRec.JetRec_defaults import standardJetAlgorithm
try :
alg = standardJetAlgorithm(jetcollname, seq = seq)
alg = None #
if unknownAlg and alg is not None:
# we created a new alg, remember it
_specialMomentAlgDict[jetcollname] = (alg, set() )
return alg, existing_moments
from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetAlgorithm
from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetMomentCalculator
def addStandardMoments(jetcollname, moments=standardMoments, seq = AlgSequence(), jetAlgConfigDict={}):
"""Add a list of jet moment calculation for a given jet collection
- jetcollname : string, the name of the jetcollection
- moments : list of string or function. string are expected to be some of the defaultMoment shortcuts. functions must return a configured moment tool
- seq : the AlgSequence to which the calculation is attached
(- jetAlgConfigDict : dictionnary, used to pass JetAlgorithm configuration options when this addStandardMoments is called while configuring the JetAlgorithm.)
Returns nothing.
Effect : retrieve (or invoke if needed) the moment calculation algorithm dedicated to jetcollname (this can be a JetAlgorithm or a JetMomentCalculator),
then add to this algorithm the moments requested in defaultMoment (only if they are not already scheduled).
if moments == []:
# nothing to do. Return now to avoid any inconvenience
# retrieve the main algorithm for this jet collection
alg, existing_moments = findMainAlgForJetCollection(jetcollname, seq)
# check if the alg is usable ---------
if alg == 'unusable':"No usable algorithm for "+jetcollname+". No jet moments added")
if alg is None :
# didn't find any alg. We can't add moments
_momlog.error("Can't create momens for "+jetcollname+" : no such collection in input or no algorithms scheduled for it")
_momlog.error(" ---> possible solution, invoke make_StandardJetGetter() before to schedule a JetAlgorithm for "+jetcollname)
isJetMomentCalc = isinstance(alg, JetMomentCalculator)
# filter moment list according to jet collection and other conditions
missing_moments = checkMomentAvailability( jetcollname, set(moments) - existing_moments , jetAlgConfigDict )
# enforce ghostAssoc, thus jet refinding, if area requested (could separate the 2 options with more config) when using a JetMomentCalculator
if 'area' in missing_moments and ('ghostAssoc' not in existing_moments) and isJetMomentCalc:
jetfinder = None
# ghost association is very particular since it needs jet finding.
if 'ghostAssoc' in missing_moments:
gAssoc = []
from JetRec.TrackSelectionForJets import tracksAvailableForJets
if tracksAvailableForJets() :
gAssoc += ["TrackAssoc"]
if rec.doTruth():
gAssoc+=[ "TruthAssoc"]
if isJetMomentCalc:
from JetMomentTools.GhostAssociation import setupGhostAssociationTool
gtool = setupGhostAssociationTool(jetcollname, gAssoc, seq=seq)
tmpL = alg.CalculatorTools
alg.CalculatorTools = [gtool] + tmpL
else: # it's a JetAlgorithm
tmpL = list(alg.AlgTools)
from JetRec.JetGetters import adaptToolListToGhostAssociation
alg.AlgTools = adaptToolListToGhostAssociation(tmpL, gAssoc, seq)
if rec.doTruth():
checkTruthParticleFilterPosition( seq, alg)
jetfinder = alg.CalculatorTools['JetGhostAsso'].JetFindingSequence["JetFastJetFinder"] if isJetMomentCalc \
else alg.AlgTools[0].JetFindingSequence["JetFastJetFinder"]
# we are done with ghostAssoc
else: # still need to retrieve the jetfinder
if 'ghostAssoc' in existing_moments:
jetfinder = alg.CalculatorTools['JetGhostAsso'].JetFindingSequence["JetFastJetFinder"] if isJetMomentCalc \
else alg.AlgTools[0].JetFindingSequence["JetFastJetFinder"]
jetfinder = retrieveFinderTool( alg.CalculatorTools if isJetMomentCalc else alg.AlgTools)
momentTools = []
# Loop over requested moment types and set-up the related tools
for momentType in missing_moments:
if callable(momentType):
# then assume a function returning a tool has been supplied
func = momentType
func = defaultMoments[momentType]
# call the setup function, add the returned tool to the sequence
tool = func( jetcollname, jetfinder, alg, seq, jetAlgConfigDict)
if tool is not None: # some function just adapts existing tools
# add the moment tools list to the relevant alg :
if isJetMomentCalc:
alg.CalculatorTools += momentTools
alg.AlgTools += momentTools
_specialMomentAlgDict[jetcollname] = (alg, missing_moments.union(existing_moments) )
return alg
def recommendedAreaAndJVFMoments(jetcollname, oldMomentNames=False,seq=AlgSequence()):
"""Recompute the area, JVF and track related jet moment on jetcollname.
jetcollname : string a JetCollection StoreGate key
oldMomentNames : bool, if True the moment naming will be the same as in 17.2.5 and previous releases.
alg = addStandardMoments(jetcollname,moments = ['ghostAssoc','area','jvf', 'trackMoments'], seq=seq)
return alg
def recommendedAreaAndJVF_StandardJetGetter( finder, mainParam, input, oldMomentNames=False, **options):
"""Run a jet algorithm, adding the recomended area, JVF and track related jet moments calculation.
all argument similar as in make_StandardJetGetter except :
oldMomentNames : bool, if True the moment naming will be the same as in 17.2.5 and previous releases.
return make_StandardJetAlg(finder, mainParam, input, jetMoments = ['ghostAssoc','area','jvf', 'trackMoments'], **options)
#alg = specialJet( finder, mainParam, input, oldMomentNames = oldMomentNames, moments=['ghostAssoc','area','jvf', 'trackMoments'], **options)
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