Create new processor mail-gateway-deadletter
Recipient format: <service-name>+<channel-name>+<level>
Make input queue configurable, since logic should be the same for both mail-gateway.dlq
and mail-gateway-critical.dlq
(by refactoring EMAIL_CONSUMER_NAME
- Send email to channel owner or sender notifying of failure
Message will have two formats:
- Either its was manually sent to the queue with format
{error, channel, channel_owner, message: {sender, subject, content, to}}
- Or it reach the dlq bc of to many retries in that case it will have the format
{sender, subject, content, to}
For case 1 first check if message contains the key error
- If contains error and channel owner is not null notify channel owner of failure with error, message and channel
- If contains error and channel or channel owner is null notify sender of failure with error and message
For case 2: (wait for ticket #13 (closed) to use same logic)
- Try parsing
to extract channel and notify owner of unknown failure - If not possible notify sender of unknown failure with message
Edited by Carina Antunes