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Replace reset server with calls to SCONE

Dinyar Rabady requested to merge chore/move_to_scone_reset into master

This MR removes our dependency on the reset server and replaces those reset requests with calls to SCONE. I use libcurl for this.

I have two open questions:

  • I noticed I have to make tools::reset_board(...) inline, @pzejdl, @meschi or anyone else with more insight than me: What's the reason for that? (And should reset_board even live there?)
  • I added guesstimates to the micron-bril example config, @tjames if you'd like me to use different ones let me know.

This was tested in B40 and I could see the reset being asserted and deasserted.

Belongs to #14 (closed). Also fixes #5 (closed).

Merge request reports
