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Commit 1080162a authored by Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar Atlas-Software Librarian Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

'CMakeLists.txt' (TileEventAthenaPool-00-04-34)

	* Tagging TileEventAthenaPool-00-04-34.
	* Add test xml file.

2016-01-24  scott snyder  <>

	* Tagging TileEventAthenaPool-00-04-33.
	* src/TileCellContainerCnv.cxx: Change division by constant to
	multiplication by constant.

2016-01-25  scott snyder  <>

	* Tagging TileEventAthenaPool-00-04-32.
	* Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.

2016-01-23  scott snyder  <>

	* Tagging TileEventAthenaPool-00-04-31.
	* Add regression tests for reading old data files.
parent 6147d705
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Showing with 1261 additions and 42 deletions
# Package: TileEventAthenaPool
# Declare the package name:
atlas_subdir( TileEventAthenaPool )
# Declare the package's dependencies:
atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileTPCnv )
# Component(s) in the package:
atlas_add_poolcnv_library( TileEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
FILES TileEvent/TileHitContainer.h TileEvent/TileDigitsContainer.h TileEvent/TileRawChannelContainer.h TileEvent/TileBeamElemContainer.h TileEvent/TileCellContainer.h TileEvent/TileMuContainer.h TileEvent/TileL2Container.h TileEvent/TileTTL1Container.h TileEvent/TileTriggerContainer.h TileEvent/TileCosmicMuonContainer.h TileEvent/TileCosmicMuon.h TileEvent/TileMuonReceiverContainer.h
LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaPoolUtilities CaloDetDescrLib CaloIdentifier StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib GaudiKernel TileEvent TileTPCnv )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_headers( TileEventAthenaPool )
atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
......@@ -24,3 +24,22 @@ apply_pattern poolcnv files="-s=${TileEvent_root}/TileEvent TileHitContainer.h T
macro_append TileEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv_shlibflags "$(TileEventAthenaPool_dict_linkopts)"
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
use TestTools TestTools-* AtlasTest -no_auto_imports
apply_pattern athenarun_test \
name="TileTPCnv_15.6.4" \
options="TileEventAthenaPool/" \
pre_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/ TileTPCnv_15.6.4" \
post_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/ TileTPCnv_15.6.4"
apply_pattern athenarun_test \
name="TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2" \
options="TileEventAthenaPool/" \
pre_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/ TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2" \
post_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/ TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2"
This diff is collapsed.
infile = 'esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root'
keys = [
from AthenaCommon.JobProperties import jobproperties
jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00'
from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
noMuon = True
noID = True
include ('AthenaPoolUtilities/')
from TileConditions.TileInfoConfigurator import TileInfoConfigurator
tileInfoConfigurator = TileInfoConfigurator()
This diff is collapsed.
infile = 'esd/ESD-'
keys = [
from AthenaCommon.JobProperties import jobproperties
jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00'
from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
noMuon = True
noID = True
include ('AthenaPoolUtilities/')
from TileConditions.TileInfoConfigurator import TileInfoConfigurator
tileInfoConfigurator = TileInfoConfigurator()
......@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::initialize()
// log << MSG::FATAL << "No TileTBID helper" << endreq;
// return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else {
for (int side=0; side<nSide; ++side) {
for (int phi=0; phi<nPhi; ++phi) {
for (int eta=0; eta<nEta; ++eta) {
for (int side=0; side<NSIDE; ++side) {
for (int phi=0; phi<NPHI; ++phi) {
for (int eta=0; eta<NETA; ++eta) {
m_id[cell_index(side,phi,eta)] = m_tileTBID->channel_id((side>0)?1:-1,phi,eta);
......@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::initialize()
log << MSG::WARNING << "Unable to retrieve MbtsDetDescrManager from DetectorStore" << endreq;
} else {
for (int side=0; side<nSide; ++side) {
for (int phi=0; phi<nPhi; ++phi) {
for (int eta=0; eta<nEta; ++eta) {
for (int side=0; side<NSIDE; ++side) {
for (int phi=0; phi<NPHI; ++phi) {
for (int eta=0; eta<NETA; ++eta) {
m_dde[cell_index(side,phi,eta)] = m_mbtsMgr->get_element(m_id[cell_index(side,phi,eta)]);
......@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::initialize()
void TileCellContainerCnv::initIdToIndex()
for (int side=0; side<nSide; ++side) {
for (int phi=0; phi<nPhi; ++phi) {
for (int eta=0; eta<nEta; ++eta) {
for (int side=0; side<NSIDE; ++side) {
for (int phi=0; phi<NPHI; ++phi) {
for (int eta=0; eta<NETA; ++eta) {
m_id[cell_index(side,phi,eta)] = (Identifier)cell_index(side,phi,eta);
......@@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
if ( m_vecCellAll.find(name) == m_vecCellAll.end()) {
TileCellVec & m_vecCell = m_vecCellAll[name];
TileCellVec & vecCell = m_vecCellAll[name];
if (lDebug) log << MSG::DEBUG << "storing TileCells from " << name << " in POOL" << endreq;
// Clear vector from previous write
int nMBTSfound=0;
std::vector<const TileCell *> allCells;
......@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, (int)cell->qual1()));
unsigned int gai = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, 0x80 + (int)(cell->gain())));
unsigned int tqg = (tim<<16) | (qua<<8) | gai;
m_vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene);
vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene);
if (lVerbose)
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell in three words "
<< MSG::hex << id << " " << ene << " " << tqg << MSG::dec << endreq;
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
case 2: // 1 or 2 words for MBTS cells, 3 words for others, energy scale factor is 1000, time scale factor is 100
// prepare vector with all cells first, expect at least 32 MBTS cells
for (TileCellContainer::const_iterator it = cont->begin(); it != cont->end(); ++it) {
const TileCell* cell = *it;
Identifier id = cell->ID();
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
int phi = m_tileTBID->module(id);
int eta = m_tileTBID->channel(id);
int ind = cell_index(side,phi,eta);
if (eta<nEta && phi<nPhi && ind < nCellMBTS) {
if (eta<NETA && phi<NPHI && ind < NCELLMBTS) {
allCells[ind] = cell;
} else {
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
// save first 32 cells (MBTS) without identifiers, 2 words per cell, put zeros for empty cells
// if MBTS energy is in pCb, then LSB corresponds to 1/12 ADC count of high gain
for (int ind=0; ind<nCellMBTS; ++ind) {
for (int ind=0; ind<NCELLMBTS; ++ind) {
int energy = 0;
int time = 0;
int quality= 0;
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, quality)); // 8 bits for quality
unsigned int gai = m_gainIndex[-gain];
unsigned int gqe = (gai << 28) | (qua<<20) | ene; // upper most bit is always 1 here
if (lVerbose)
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell " << ind << " in one word "
......@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, quality)); // 8 bits for quality
unsigned int gai = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, 0x80 + gain));
unsigned int tqg = (tim<<16) | (qua<<8) | gai;
if (lVerbose)
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell " << ind << " in two words "
......@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
} else {
m_vecCell[0] = 1; // no MBTS found - use version 1 for packing
vecCell[0] = 1; // no MBTS found - use version 1 for packing
// keep all other cells (if any) with identifiers, 3 words per cell
for (unsigned int ind=nCellMBTS; ind<allCells.size(); ++ind) {
for (unsigned int ind=NCELLMBTS; ind<allCells.size(); ++ind) {
const TileCell* cell = allCells[ind];
......@@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, (int)cell->qual1()));
unsigned int gai = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, 0x80 + (int)(cell->gain())));
unsigned int tqg = (tim<<16) | (qua<<8) | gai;
m_vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene);
vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene);
if (lVerbose)
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell " << ind << " in three words "
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe
if (lDebug) log << MSG::DEBUG << "Storing data vector of size " << m_vecCellAll[name].size() << " with version " << m_vecCellAll[name][0] << endreq;
persObj = &m_vecCell;
persObj = &vecCell;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV
int ene = (int)(*it++);
unsigned int tqg = *it++;
float ener = ene/1000.;
float time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) / 100.;
float ener = ene*1e-3;
float time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) * 0.01;
uint16_t qual = ((tqg>>8) & 0xFF);
uint16_t qbit = TileCell::MASK_CMPC | TileCell::MASK_TIME;
int gain = (int)(tqg & 0xFF) - 0x80;
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV
if (lVerbose)
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "reading cell " << iCell << " ";
if (iCell < nCellMBTS) { // first 32 cells are MBTS cells without identifier
if (iCell < NCELLMBTS) { // first 32 cells are MBTS cells without identifier
id = m_id[iCell]; // identifier is taken from array
dde = m_dde[iCell]; // mbtsDDE is taken from array
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV
log << endreq;
time = 0.0; // time was zero and it was not saved
ener = ((ene & 0xFFFFF) - 0x10000) / 1000.;
ener = ((ene & 0xFFFFF) - 0x10000) * 1e-3;
qual = ((ene>>20) & 0xFF);
gain = m_gain[((ene>>28) & 0x7)]; // gain is taken from array
......@@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV
if (lVerbose)
log << MSG::hex << tqg << MSG::dec << endreq;
ener = (ene - 0x40000000) / 1000.;
time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) / 100.;
ener = (ene - 0x40000000) * 1e-3;
time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) * 0.01;
qual = ((tqg>>8) & 0xFF);
gain = (int)(tqg & 0xFF) - 0x80;
......@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV
log << MSG::hex << id << MSG::dec << " " << ene << " "
<< MSG::hex << tqg << MSG::dec << endreq;
ener = ene/1000.;
time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) / 100.;
ener = ene*1e-3;
time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) * 0.01;
qual = ((tqg>>8) & 0xFF);
gain = (int)(tqg & 0xFF) - 0x80;
......@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ private:
int m_version;
static const int nSide = 2;
static const int nPhi = 8;
static const int nEta = 2;
static const int nCellMBTS = nSide*nPhi*nEta;
static const int NSIDE = 2;
static const int NPHI = 8;
static const int NETA = 2;
static const int NCELLMBTS = NSIDE*NPHI*NETA;
inline int cell_index(int side, int phi, int eta) const { return (side*nPhi+phi)*nEta+eta; }
inline int cell_index(int side, int phi, int eta) const { return (side*NPHI+phi)*NETA+eta; }
void initIdToIndex();
Identifier m_id[nCellMBTS];
CaloDetDescrElement * m_dde[nCellMBTS];
Identifier m_id[NCELLMBTS];
CaloDetDescrElement * m_dde[NCELLMBTS];
int m_gainIndex[17];
int m_gain[8];
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TEST name="TileEventAthenaPoolTests" type="makecheck">
<author> scott snyder </author>
<mailto> </mailto>
<errorMessage>Athena exited abnormally</errorMessage>
<warningMessage> # WARNING_MESSAGE :> ERROR</warningMessage>
<successMessage>check ok</successMessage>
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