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  1. Jan 19, 2015
    • Sanya Solodkov's avatar
      updates in laser decoder + protection against zero-sized BS fragments (TileByteStream-00-08-59) · 059fbc8d
      Sanya Solodkov authored
      	* setting correct DQstatus(filled with all zeros)
      	* in case DQfragment is missing
      	* Tagging TileByteStream-00-08-59
      2014-12-05  Marius Cornelis van Woerden <>
              * ROD decoder adjusted to used TileLasCalib object
      2014-11-23  Sanya Solodkov  <>
      	* intiialize cells with valid gain for HLT in TileCellCont.cxx
      	* Tagging TileByteStream-00-08-58
      2014-11-08  Sanya Solodkov  <>
      	* bug fix in TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag17()
      	* Tagging TileByteStream-00-08-57
      2014-11-05  Sanya Solodkov  <>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Remove test xml file --- otherwise atn complains that there are no tests.... · ac19be41
      Scott Snyder authored
      Remove test xml file --- otherwise atn complains that there are no tests. (RootConversions-00-04-17)
      	* Tagging RootConversions-00-04-17.
      	* test/RootConversions.xml: Deleted for now.
      2014-11-20  Peter van Gemmeren  <>
      	* Tagging RootConversions-00-04-16
      	* Crude Attempt of fixing Cling complaints by making code fragments
      2014-10-31  scott snyder  <>
            * Tagging RootConversions-00-04-15.
      	* Update to compile with 5.34.22.  Needs more work to actually be
      	functional; disabled tests for now.
      2014-10-20 Will Buttinger <>
            * src/VectorConverters.cxx: silence the duplicate entry warnings you get from vector.dll/vector-bool.dll (only doing for AthAnalysisBase for now)
            * Tagging RootConversions-00-04-14
    • Teng Jian Khoo's avatar
      'container names' (METUtilities-00-01-06) · b008bbae
      Teng Jian Khoo authored
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Disable deprecation warnings during dictionary generation. (AsgTools-00-00-35) · eabfa49b
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging AsgTools-00-00-35.
      	* AsgTools/AsgToolsDict.h: Disable deprecation warnings during
      	dictionary generation.
      2014-11-13 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Made the dictionary generation functional in Athena as well.
      	* Had to disable the explicit instantiation of the setProperty(...)
      	  functions in AsgToolsDict.h, since in Athena that function
      	  is implemented in GaudiKernel, and always just takes two
      	  string arguments. (It's not a template function.)
      	* Silenced the checkreq warning that Will introduced, by placing
      	  the new include file in AsgToolsAthena.h as well.
      	* Tagging as AsgTools-00-00-34
      2014-11-13 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Marked Will's retrieveMetadata function as deprecated. As we
      	  discussed it with him, the jet tools will need to use a more
      	  elegant solution than this ugly function.
      	* The package now generates Reflex dictionaries in standalone
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Pierre Antoine Delsart's avatar
      'JetLArHVTool now uses cluster moments. ATLJETMET-15' (JetMomentTools-00-02-42) · 87854fbd
      Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
      2014-12-05    <delsart@localhost>
      	* JetLArHVTool : now uses cluster moments. Moved to Root/
      	* ATLJETMET-15
      	* JetIsolationTool moved to Root
      	* JetMomentTools-00-02-42
      2014-12-04    <delsart@localhost>
      	* JetOriginCorrectionTool also sets the "OriginVertex" associated
      	* ATLJETMET-146
      	* JetMomentTools-00-02-41
      2014-12-02 David Adams
      	* JetMomentTools-00-02-40
      	* ATLJETMET-134
      	* Root/JetVertexFractionTool.cxx - Change attribute HighestJVFVertex
      	  to replace JVF with the property JVFName.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Karsten Koeneke's avatar
      'Protect mcEventWeight to only use for MC' (EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-73) · cffe0a3a
      Karsten Koeneke authored
      	* src/CutFlowSvc.cxx (addEvent): Protect mcEventWeight to only use for MC
      	* Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-73.
      2014-11-28  Karsten Koeneke  <>
      	* Remove dependency on AthMetaDataAlgorithm, i.e., remove GetSumOfWeightsAlg.
      	* Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-72.
      2014-11-28  Karsten Koeneke  <>
      	* Rewrite for new run2 CutFlowSvc.
      	* Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-71.
      2014-11-15  Karsten Koeneke  <>
      	* Make BookkeepingInfoWriter independent of RecoFunctions.
      	* Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-70.
      2014-10-30  Karsten Koeneke  <>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      coverity fixes (MuonMDT_CnvTools-02-01-03) · d58c6399
      Jochen Meyer authored
              * fixing coverity defects 13097, 13137, 13145, 13150, 13163
              * tagging MuonMDT_CnvTools-02-01-03
      2014-12-02 Jochen Meyer
              * increased size of MdtCsmContainer in MDT_RawDataProviderTool (when layout with BME)
                 ( )
              * tagging MuonMDT_CnvTools-02-01-02
      2014-11-25 Jochen Meyer
              * fixing invalid array access
                 ( )
              * tagging MuonMDT_CnvTools-02-01-01
      2014-11-15 Jochen Meyer
              * modified registration scheme if elevator chambers (read out by 2 CSMs)
                 ( )
                 - MdtROD_Decoder to use detectorElement_hash for RDO registration
                 - MdtRdoToPrepDataTool to handle changed scheme
              * tagging MuonMDT_CnvTools-02-01-00
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • R D Schaffer's avatar
      fix for change in COOL interface (IOVDbMetaDataTools-00-00-45) · ed8e0652
      R D Schaffer authored
      	* tagging IOVDbMetaDataTools-00-00-45
      	* python/ (ParameterDbFiller.genDb): move to new interface for folder
      2014-11-20  RD Schaffer  <>
      	* tagging IOVDbMetaDataTools-00-00-44
      	* python/ (ParameterDbFiller.dumpDb): fix for root6
      2014-09-16  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging IOVDbMetaDataTools-00-00-43.
      	* cmt/requirements: Fix checkreq warning.
    • Massimiliano Bellomo's avatar
      tagging (muonEvent-05-06-03) · 3c1ad161
      Massimiliano Bellomo authored
      	* CaloEnergy fixing issue in methods to return error on measured or parametrized energy loss
      	* tagging muonEvent-05-06-03
      2014-12-01  Massimiliano Bellomo  <>
      	* CaloEnergy added methods and members to save both measued and parametrized energy loss
              * tagging muonEvent-05-06-02
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Another coverity fix. (CollectionBase-00-02-05) · e37a404d
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging CollectionBase-00-02-05.
      	* src/CollectionDescription.cpp: Another coverity fix.
      2014-10-17  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging CollectionBase-00-02-04.
      	* Fix coverity warnings.
      2014-09-30 David Quarrie <>
      	* src/CollectionFactory.cpp
      		Add support for non-backwards compatible change in Gaudi Factory API introduced in v25r3.
      	* Tagged as CollectionBase-00-02-03
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      coverity fixes (MuonTGC_CnvTools-00-07-31) · d272719b
      Jochen Meyer authored
              * fixing coverity defects 12435, 12462
              * Tagged as MuonTGC_CnvTools-00-07-31
      2014-07-16 David Quarrie <>
      	* cmt/requirements
      		Declare the tdaq-common components that are required (only relevant for cmake - invisible to CMT)
      	* Tagged as MuonTGC_CnvTools-00-07-30
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      coverity fix (MuonSimData-00-03-04) · f23df4c8
      Jochen Meyer authored
              * fixing coverity defects 12234-5
              * tagging MuonSimData-00-03-04
    • Andreas Salzburger's avatar
      Tagging as TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-01-02 (TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-01-02) · 804d39c8
      Andreas Salzburger authored
                 * remove dbg symbols
                 * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-01-02
      2014-11-03 Andreas Salzburger < Andreas.Salzburger -at- >
                 * update to new layers ordered
                 * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-01-01
      2014-08-20 Andreas Salzburger < Andreas.Salzburger -at- >
                 * new material and extrapolation update
                 * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-01-00
      2014-05-21 Andreas Salzburger < Andreas.Salzburger -at- >
                 * material mappint updates
                 * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-00-07
      2014-02-28 Andreas Salzburger < Andreas.Salzburger -at- >
                 * moved LayerMaterialRecord to TrkGeometry
                 * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-01-00-06
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      coverity fixes (MuonRDO-01-05-05) · 453144ec
      Jochen Meyer authored
              * fixing coverity defects 12450, 12414, 12996, 13015
              * MuonRDO-01-05-05
      2014-11-28 Ignacio Aracena
      	* Fix ATR-9525
      	* in CscRawDataCollectionIdHash.cxx
      	* MuonRDO-01-05-04
      2014-11-25 Ignacio Aracena
      	* CscRawDataCollectionIdHash.cxx and .h : fix compiler warnings
      	* MuonRDO-01-05-03
      2014-11-25 Jochen Meyer
              * fixing invalid array access
                 ( )
              * MuonRDO-01-05-02
      2014-11-24 Ignacio Aracena
      	* Small fix in CscRawDataCollectionIdHash c'tor
      	* in computation of new CSC rodId
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Paolo Calafiura's avatar
      added StoreGateDFlow test (ControlTest-00-02-29) · 5b11858e
      Paolo Calafiura authored
      	* Tagging ControlTest-00-02-29.
      	* cmt/requirements: added StoreGateDFlow test
    • Paolo Calafiura's avatar
      lots of error checking improvements to dflow example (AthExStoreGateExample-00-07-10) · dedc8214
      Paolo Calafiura authored
              * Tagging AthExStoreGateExample-00-07-10
      	* src_dflow/DFlowAlg*.cxx (AthEx): lots of error checking improvements
      2014-12-04  Paolo Calafiura  <calaf@calaf-C7Z87-OCE>
              * Tagging AthExStoreGateExample-00-07-09
      	* src_dflow/DFlowAlg*: renamed VarHandles
    • Stewart Martin-Haugh's avatar
      'fixes for JIRA ATR-9604' (TrigEgammaMonitoring-00-01-32) · 12933178
      Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
      	* Remove extrapolation tool from config
      	* TrigEgammaMonitoring-00-01-31
      2014-11-04 Ryan White <>
      	* Removing extrapolation tool from monitoring
      	* If required see TrigL2ElectronFex for new track-calo extrap
      	* TrigEgammaMonitoring-00-01-30
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Some variables went away. (egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-35) · ce782299
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-35.
      	* Some variables went away in devval.
      2014-11-20  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-34.
      	* Don't fail if vertex auxdata hasn't been read at booking.
      2014-11-12  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-33.
      	* python/ Fix for devval.
      2014-11-07  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-32.
      	* python/ Fix topoetcone variables for old
      	data files.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Update SG key strings. (CaloD3PDMaker-00-03-08) · 54b4d6b9
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging CaloD3PDMaker-00-03-08.
      	* python/ Update SG key strings.
      2014-10-05  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging CaloD3PDMaker-00-03-07.
      	* python/ (new)
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Clean up. (MissingETGoodness-00-01-06) · 1a23660e
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging MissingETGoodness-00-01-06.
      	* Clean up.
      2014-12-04  Teng Jian Khoo  <>
      	* Fix horribly broken have_root_headers macro
      	* Tagging MissingETGoodness-00-01-05
      2014-11-26  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging MissingETGoodness-00-01-04.
      	* AlgTool -> AthAlgTool.
      	* Tagging MissingETGoodness-00-01-03.
      	* Coverity warning fixes.  Use have_root_headers cmt pattern
      	rather than running an standalone makefile.
      2014-11-23  David Quarrie <>
      	* cmt/requirements
      		Add cmake-specific code in order to build the rootcint dictionary and append the generated file
      		to the library. These lines are transparent to CMT.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Giacinto Piacquadio's avatar
      add sum pT track pT dependent cuts (InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-05) · b41757d1
      Giacinto Piacquadio authored
      	* Add track dependent pT cuts
      	* Tagged as InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-05
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Fix ATN warnings. (InDetGeometryValidation-00-00-01-01) · 39eb4246
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      2014-12-04 Goetz Gaycken <>
      * Fix setup of magnetic field service.
      * Fix unused package checkreq warning.
      2011-06-24 chays
      * New tag to remove warnings from ATN.
      2011-06-24 chays
      * Remove AtlasReconstructionRunTime from requirements file.
    • Ondrej Penc's avatar
      add the number of si-hits histogram as a sum of nsct and npix (TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-56) · ae6cc4f2
      Ondrej Penc authored
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-56
      	* add the number of si-hits histogram as a sum of nsct and npix
      2014-12-03 Ondrej Penc <>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-55
      	* add dat file with dR dz matcher using offline as a reference,
      	modification of matcher parameters
      2014-12-02 David Quarrie <>
      	* cmt/requirements
      		Uncomment the line that was meant to extend the files in the TIDA library for cmake in order to
      		fix unresolved references (sigh...). Transparent to CMT
      	* Tagged as TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-54
      2014-11-30 sutt <sutt @>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-53
      	* fix broken requirements
      2014-11-30 sutt <sutt @>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-52
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Andreas Salzburger's avatar
    • Massimiliano Bellomo's avatar
      tagging (MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-10) · 03bdfb42
      Massimiliano Bellomo authored
      	* renaming of xAOD::PrepRawData to xAOD::TrackMeasurementValidation
              * CSC_PrepDataToxAOD: fix for charge to be float
      	* MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-10
      11-28-2014 Jochen Meyer
              * fixing checkreq warning
              * MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-09
      11-24-2014 Massimo Corradi
      	* fix - renaming clusterSize to uint16_t muonClusterSize
      	* MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-08
      11-10-2014 Marine Kuna
      	* include class to dump RPC RDO information into xAOD (RPC_RDOToxAOD.cxx/h)
      	* MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-07
      10-29-2014 Niels van Eldik
      	* protect against missing SDOs in new pile-up samples
      	* MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-06
    • Karsten Koeneke's avatar
      'Fix for new tau EDM' (ThinningUtils-00-00-12) · 464027c9
      Karsten Koeneke authored
      	* src/ThinTrackParticlesTool.cxx (selectFromTauJet): Fix for new tau EDM.
      	* tag ThinningUtils-00-00-12
      2014-09-26  Karsten Koeneke  <>
      	* Make package fit for AthAnalysisBase
      	* tag ThinningUtils-00-00-11
    • Niels Van Eldik's avatar
      get compiling will need expert to get running again (TrigMuGirl-01-04-24) · 21878625
      Niels Van Eldik authored
      	* get compiling will need expert to get running again
      	* Tagging as TrigMuGirl-01-04-24
      2014-10-02 Sue Cheatham <>
      	* TrigMuGirlTool.cxx and .h
      	* TrigMuGirl.cxx and .h
      	* requirements
      	* removed ExtrapolateToCaloTool and replaced with ParticleCaloExtensionTool
      	* Tagging as TrigMuGirl-01-04-22
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Fix bad merge. (PyCmt-00-00-39) · 71f15c8e
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging PyCmt-00-00-39.
      	* python/pkgbuild/ Fix bad merge.
      	* Tagging PyCmt-00-00-38.
      	* python/pkgbuild/ Filter out compiler options adding
    • Bo Liu's avatar
      Add additional code for d0 cut in TightTrackVertexAssociationTool... · b3a8beaf
      Bo Liu authored
      Add additional code for d0 cut in TightTrackVertexAssociationTool (TrackVertexAssociationTool-00-00-03)
    • Ryan Mackenzie White's avatar
      update pidtools (TrigEgammaValidation-00-07-38) · d4d7df2f
      Ryan Mackenzie White authored
      2014-12-04 Ryan White <>
      	* Update pidtools
      	* configuration needs to be updated
      	* TrigEgammaValidation-00-07-38
      2014-11-04 Ryan White <>
      	* Remove old extrapolation
      	* This tag may also include significant developments from Denis
      	* TrigEgammaValidation-00-07-37
    • James Catmore's avatar
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Update SG names for EmTauRoI. (TriggerD3PDMaker-00-04-07) · c931d8bf
      Scott Snyder authored
              * Tagging TriggerD3PDMaker-00-04-07.
      	* python/ Update SG names.
      2014-12-01  scott snyder  <>
              * Tagging TriggerD3PDMaker-00-04-06.
      	* python/ Update for change in TrigEDMConfig.
      2014-11-06  scott snyder  <>
              * Tagging TriggerD3PDMaker-00-04-05.
      	* src/TrigConfMetadataTool.cxx: Fix coverity warnings.
      2014-10-21 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Adding Tomasz's changes to
      	* Tagging as TriggerD3PDMaker-00-04-04
      2014-10-14 Joerg Stelzer
      	* Adapt to changes in the CTP: PIT becomes TIP
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Stewart Martin-Haugh's avatar
      'checkreq fix' (TrigHLTMonitoring-00-06-03) · 1887eb39
      Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
      	* checkreq fix
      	* tagged as TrigHLTMonitoring-00-06-03
      2014-12-03  Stewart Martin-Haugh <>
      	* Quick fix for compilation failure
      	* tagged as TrigHLTMonitoring-00-06-02
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      added new new online bad timing status and possability to define bad timing... · 7ebca044
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      added new new online bad timing status and possability to define bad timing for channel (TileCalibBlobObjs-00-00-43)
              * TileCalibBlobObjs/TileBchPrbs.h: added new online bad timing status (OnlineBadTiming) for channel
      	* src/TileBchPrbs.cxx: added description for channel status OnlineBadTiming
      	* src/TileBchStatus.cxx: added possability to define bad timing; set default for bad timing: BadTiming
      	* src/TileBchDecoder.cxx: added OnlineBadTiming to bit pattern version "onl01
      	* TileCalibBlobObjs/TileCalibUtils.h: added new static variable for bad timing channel difinition (BADTIMING_DEFINITION_CHAN)
      	* Tagged TileCalibBlobObjs-00-00-43
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      covertiy fixes (MuonCablingData-00-00-28) · d03a5d54
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* fixing coverity defects 12041, 11463, 11521
      	* tagging MuonCablingData-00-00-28
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      coverity fix (CSCcabling-00-00-14) · bce27dc7
      Jochen Meyer authored
              * CSCcabling-00-00-14
              * fixing coverity defect 11990
      2014-11-25 Jochen Meyer <>
              * CSCcabling-00-00-13
              * adding "end_private" in requirements file
      2014-11-24 Ignacio Aracena <>
      	* CSCcabling-00-00-12
      	* src/CSCcablingSvc.cxx use AtlasCommon node for automatic
      	* configuration of run period and setting of m_run1
      	* remove jobProperty Run1Cabling
      2014-11-21 Ignacio Aracena <>
      	* CSCcabling-00-00-11
      	* src/CSCcablingSvc.cxx and .h added new jobProperty
      	* Run1Cabling : if True uses cabling as used before
      	* M6 2014 (two chambers/ROB), otherwise new cabling
      	* with one chamber/ROB.
      	* Move from Service to AthService
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Frank Filthaut's avatar
      container name change: change TruthEvent to TruthEvents (ParticleJetTools-00-03-21) · 23ca6d46
      Frank Filthaut authored
      	* change "TruthEvent" to "TruthEvents" (changed container name)
      	* tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-21
      2014-12-03 Frank Filthaut
      	* adapt to new xAODTruth version: TruthParticle::pid() replaced with TruthParticle::pdgId()
      	* tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-20
      2014-12-03 Chris Pollard <>
      	* CopyTruthParticles: derived classes use ASG_TOOL_CLASS2 macro
      	with IJetExecuteTool as second interface (from P-A delsart)
      	* taging ParticleJetTools-00-03-18
      2014-12-02 Chris Pollard <>
      	* CopyTruthParticles: now deriving from IJetExecuteTool
      2014-12-01 Miles Wu <>
      	* I removed a few Athena #includes and changed them to the dual-use versions
      	* Changed a CHECK macro into ASG_CHECK in CopyTruthParticles::execute()
      	* Commented out unused headers in JetConeLabeling.cxx
      	* Added a RootCore makefile
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Eva Bouhova-Thacker's avatar
      remove versioned headers and classes (TrkVertexAnalysisUtils-00-03-03) · 9e5c614b
      Eva Bouhova-Thacker authored
      	* remove versioned headers and classes
      	* Tagged as TrkVertexAnalysisUtils-00-03-03
      2014-12-02 Evelina Bouhova-Thacker <>
      	* fixing covariance error
      	* Tagged as TrkVertexAnalysisUtils-00-03-02
      2014-11-27 Evelina Bouhova-Thacker <>
      	* Further migration to new EDM
      	* Tagged as TrkVertexAnalysisUtils-00-03-01
    • Lukas Alexander Heinrich's avatar
      added Navigation conversion (TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-41) · 5763ffec
      Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
      	* added Navigation conversion
      	* tagging TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-41
      2014-12-01  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-40.
      	* Algorithm -> AthAlgorithm.
      2014-11-25  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-39.
      	* Fix coverity warnings.
    • Elemer Nagy's avatar
      Cleaned up for Run 2 (M7) (TrigBjetMonitoring-00-01-12) · 1e87c212
      Elemer Nagy authored
      2014-12-03 Elemer Nagy <Elemer.Nagy AT>
      	* Clean up for Run 2 (M7)
      	* TrigBjetMonitoring-00-01-12 tagged