- Sep 04, 2015
Henric Wilkens authored
* Small change to make use of update in LaserObject in TileEvent-00-09-48 * Tagging TileByteStream-00-08-74
Till Eifert authored
* TagEvent/GlobalTriggerAttributeNames.h: changes from L2+EF to combined HLT. * TagEvent/GlobalGroupAndUnitNames.h: same here * tag as: TagEvent-00-05-19
Xiaohu Sun authored
* kv test RecoZeeJet uses OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-32 * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-21
Hanno Meyer Zu Theenhausen authored
Base EtCorrelation monitoring on lutJep, fix 2DPedCorrSummary histos for 25ns (TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-06) * Do EtCorrelation monitoring based on lutJep instead of lutCp * 2DPedestal- and 2DPedestalCorrection summary histograms: - Extend number of bins for 25ns bunches - Fix bug for displaying single bunches * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-06
Ioannis Nomidis authored
* updated macros * fixed mem leak in decoration of muons * fix for cpu time, fill ID hists only for muon tracks * added plots for HLT chains efficiency wrt L1 seed * replaced hist organization classes with PlotOrganizer from MuonHistUtils * tagging MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-01-13 2015-05-29 <IoannisNomidis@cern.ch> * tagging trigger updates * added Z selection for data * tagging MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-01-12 2015-05-06 Marilea Reale <marilea.reale@cern.ch> * L1 efficiency plots added 2015-04-28 Marilea Reale <marilea.reale@cern.ch> * fix bug in trigger code 2015-04-21 Graham Cree * collect vector of IDTrackParticles that belong/dont belong to a mu+mu- ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
share/g4/preInclude.ParticleID.py (particleid_setupcalos): protection for releases where PyTileSimUtils has been removed. ATLASSIM-2070. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-08 (SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-08) * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-08 * share/g4/preInclude.ParticleID.py (particleid_setupcalos): protection for releases where PyTileSimUtils has been removed. ATLASSIM-2070 2015-07-08 Edoardo Farina <edoardo.maria.farina@cern.ch> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-07 * Migration of the following job options to use TrackRecordGenerator: * share/cosmics/preInclude.TRsmear10.py * share/susy/preInclude.ReadStoppedParticles.py * share/cavern/preInclude.G4ReadCavern.py 2015-07-07 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-06 * share/g4/preInclude.ParticleID.py - set ParticleID simFlag if available. ATLASSIM-2070 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Steffen Maeland authored
* share/SelectPixelMap.py: /PIXEL/HitDiscCnfg added also for online, tagged as PixelCabling-00-00-56 2015-07-16 Steffen Maeland <steffen.maeland @ cern.ch> * Implemented reading of FE-I4 hit discriminator settings (HitDiscCnfg) from COOL. Values are filled to a map and can be retrieved via getHitDiscCnfg(). * Tagged as PixelCabling-00-00-55
Alan Watson authored
* RecEmTauRoI: fix eta when accessing TriggerThreshold * Tag as TrigT1Interfaces-01-05-16-01
Aaron Angerami authored
2015-07-10 Aaron Angerami <angerami@cern.ch> * Fix src/xAODHIEventShapeContainerCnv.cxx to solve ATR-11478 * Tagging as xAODHIEventAthenaPool-00-00-05 2015-06-09 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Cleaned up the package, removing the files/directories that are created dynamically by the build system. * Also cleaned out the ChangeLog... * Tagging as xAODHIEventAthenaPool-00-00-04
Aaron Angerami authored
2015-07-10 Aaron Angerami <angerami@cern.ch> * Fix to selection.xml to solve ATR-11478 * Tagging as xAODHIEvent-00-00-06 2015-06-08 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Added a collection proxy for xAOD::HIEventShapeContainer, to read/write it properly with ROOT. This included a change in the requirements file. * Removed the "transient" variables created by CMT on checkout, from the cmt/ directory. * Switched the standalone compilation to pedantic mode. * Removed the misleading content from the ChangeLog file. * Tagging as xAODHIEvent-00-00-05
Dongliang Zhang authored
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrigT2CaloTau-00-06-27. * Avoid redundant divisions. 2015-03-30 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigT2CaloTau-00-06-26. * src/T2CaloTau.cxx: Fix warning.
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* tag as Rivet-02-02-01-06 * Add colon to the TEXMFCNF path (new architecture) - fix
Peter Onyisi authored
* Use 2014 AMI commands for tags * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-08-00 2015-03-20 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Undo one trfsetupcmd problem * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-07-02 2015-03-20 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Fix to h-tag trfsetupcmd obo Armin & Christian * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-07-01 2015-03-14 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Take han configuration files from env variables set by h-tags if available * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-07-00 2015-03-11 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Fix bug in UploadDQAMITag.py found by C. Ohm * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-06-02 2015-03-06 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Alan Watson authored
* JetTopoTOB: exact match between eta() and ieta() * Tag as TrigT1CaloEvent-00-01-18 2015-04-19 Alan Watson <Alan.Watson@CERN.CH> * CPTopoTOB: updates requested by L1Topo group * JetTopoTOB: updates requested by L1Topo group * Tag as TrigT1CaloEvent-00-01-17
- Aug 05, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* L1CaloRampMaker: use new Run-2 conditions database * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibUtils-00-06-24 2015-05-19 Veit Scharf <veit.scharf@kip.uni-heidelberg.de> * L1CaloRampMaker: port to Run-2 EDM (xAODTrigL1Calo) * L1CaloPprMonitoring: refactored and cleaned * L1CaloDumpRampData: new Algorithm which dumps the Results of the L1CaloRampMaker algorithm to a root-file for easy analysis * share/TileL1CaloRampMaker.py: jobOptions to run Tile Energy Scan reconstruction * share/LArL1CaloRampMaker.py: jobOptions to run LAr Energy Scan reconstruction
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements - Fix for race condition in creation of python directory in the InstallArea. ATLASSIM-2050. * tagging ISF_Geant4CommonServices-00-02-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* New steering job options. User can select which segment to retain, the upper or the lower. Default: both segments (as up to now) * Tag as InDetTrackValidation-01-00-07 2015-05-27 Simone Pagan Griso <simone.pagan.griso@cern.ch> * Fixed bug in checking existing container * Tag as InDetTrackValidation-01-00-06 2015-03-30 Goetz Gaycken * Fix NICOS warning (member initialization order). * Tag as InDetTrackValidation-01-00-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Add option to limit multiplicity to avoid timeouts (ATLASRECTS-2204) * Tagged as InDetPriVxFinderTool-02-01-09 2015-02-04 Goetz Gaycken * Fix coverity issue 14812 (unused pointer). * Fix coverit issue 14813 (unused pointer). * Fix coverity issue 14538 (uninitialized members). 2014-12-07 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Add a cmake-specific dependency against the PATCore package. This is necessary since packages which create component libraries don't expose their header files or dependencies to any clients, whereas this package relies upon the InDetTrackSelectionTool to access the PATCore package. I haven't added the direct dependency to the "use" statements so thqt checkreq won't generate any warnings. * Tagged as InDetPriVxFinderTool-02-01-07 2014-12-06 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * This tag created as a clone of InDetPriVxFinderTool-02-01-05 by mistake
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* scripts/Reco_trf.py - Finally remove Reco_trf completely! Farewell, old friend, you were a thousand times more evil than I. * share/skeleton.AODtoDPD_tf.py - Updates to produce MCP NTUP files - Updated D3PD flags * Tag as PATJobTransforms-00-05-46 2015-05-26 Graeme Stewart <graeme.andrew.stewart@cern.ch> * share/skeleton.AODtoDPD_tf.py * share/skeleton.AODtoRED_tf.py * share/skeleton.ESDtoDPD_tf.py * share/skeleton.MergePool.py * share/skeleton.NTUPtoRED_tf.py * share/skeleton.PhysicsValidation_tf.py - Import common options from RecJobTransforms (not deprecated from PATJobTransforms) to pickup new --valid flag properly * Tag as PATJobTransforms-00-05-45 2015-05-22 Graeme Stewart <graeme.andrew.stewart@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Making sure that wherever a new HepMC::GenParticle is created by the code, its generated_mass value is set to a non-default value. * Tagging as McParticleTools-00-19-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* JetEDM-00-00-23 * ATLJETMET-381 * Root/JetConstituentFiller.cxx: Remove code that was skipping fill of ghost counts when there were no ghosts.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Put LumiBlockCollection back into library to avoid compilation errors in clients * Tag as LumiCalc-00-04-03 2015-06-09 Marjorie Shapiro <mdshapiro@lbl.gov> * Update to use Run 2 LumiBlockRangeContainer instead of Run 1 LumiBlockCollection * Tag as LumiCalc-00-04-02 2015-04-01 Eric Torrence <torrence@cern.ch> * Updates for Run2 * Tag as LumiCalc-00-04-01 2015-03-31 Eric Torrence <torrence@cern.ch> * Add new OflLumi-HI-003 tag * Tag as LumiCalc-00-03-07 2015-03-20 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LumiCalc-00-03-06. * LumiCalc/LumiCalculator.h: Fix header guard. * src/iLumiCalc.cxx: Fix clang warning: remove spurious parens.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Protect against running on MC * Tag as CoolLumiUtilities-00-08-07 2015-06-10 Eric Torrence <Eric.Torrence@cern.ch> * Configure the CalibrationTool properly in both Run1 and Run2 * Tag as CoolLumiUtilities-00-08-06 2015-06-08 Eric Torrence <Eric.Torrence@cern.ch> * Tag as CoolLumiUtilities-00-08-05 2015-05-31 Eric Torrence <Eric.Torrence@cern.ch> * New channel descriptions for Run2 * Tag as CoolLumiUtilities-00-08-04 2015-04-14 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging CoolLumiUtilities-00-08-03. * src/BunchDescription.cxx: Fix warning.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fixing bug where setSignalProcessVertexLink was being set for signal vertex when current vertex was pile-up * BRANCHING - tagged as xAODTruthCnv-00-01-16-00 2015-06-05 Jovan Mitrevski <Jovan.Mitrevski@cern.ch> * src/xAODTruthCnvAlg.{cxx|h}: add a ForceRerun flag, to rerun even if output containers exist * Tagged as xAODTruthCnv-00-01-16 2015-05-18 Jovan Mitrevski <Jovan.Mitrevski@cern.ch> * src/xAODTruthCnvAlg.cxx: stop producing empty pile-up containers when not requested * Tagged as xAODTruthCnv-00-01-15
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Protection against negative values in pow(). * Tag as SiPropertiesSvc-00-00-09
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* comment out RECOSHIFT_std3_aodtoD3PD since not too important now * remove calls to setupLocalDBReplica_CERN.sh * improve TAG selection * tag RecExAnaTest-00-01-67
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging MuonTPTools-00-00-15 2015-06-23 Massimiliano Bellomo <massimiliano.bellomo@cern.ch> * Added Event trigger branches to MuonTPTreeTool and needed changes to MuonTPEfficiencyTool interfance to read trigger for probes * Improved consistency of some tree branches * Added support for High Pt working point 2015-06-23 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> * Added flag to the Tree tool to write SF info only when needed * Writing match dR only for nominal matching scenarios 2015-06-22 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> * MuonTPTreeTool: added tag trigger matching information * MuonTPSelectionTool: added method to retrieve trigger list * Actually implemented the match dR systematic in MuonTrigTPEfficiencyTool.... 2015-06-22 Massimiliano Bellomo <massimiliano.bellomo@cern.ch> * DiMuonTPSelectionTool, MuonTPSelectionTool added option to select truth matched reco probes * MuonTPPlotTool removed useDirDefault option, not neeeded anymore * DiMuonTPTreeTool renamed tag and probes branches ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix to Zmumu Muon Probe config * Tagging MuonPerformanceAlgs-00-00-15 2015-06-23 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> * Updated muon SF treatment for Zmumu Reco efficiencies * Added match DR systematic to the JPsi Reco efficiency * Updated top level directory names for the Trig/Iso analyses * Probe eta cut removed for the Trig/Iso analyses * Fixed efficiency plot flag for the Zmumu Trig/Iso analyses * Tagging MuonPerformanceAlgs-00-00-14 2015-06-22 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> * Created common alg for Trigger and iso (with common tree) in JPsiTPMuonAnalysis.py and ZmumuTPMuonAnalysis.py * Updated tag trigger lists according to TagProbe mailing list discussion * Added truth probe running for isolation and trigger * Added ID efficiencies with MS probes for reco JPsi 2015-06-21 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging 00-00-05 version * Created config file for running from Reco_tf.py
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging MuonPerformanceHistUtils-00-00-16 2015-06-23 Massimiliano Bellomo <massimiliano.bellomo@cern.ch> * renaming some histograms to harmonise TP analyses 2015-06-22 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> * Removed some unwanted plots from MuonTrigTPEfficiencyPlots 2015-06-22 Massimiliano Bellomo <massimiliano.bellomo@cern.ch> * Removed variable "bool m_useDirDefault" in MuonTPEfficiencyPlotBase.h to avoid errors in compilation. The compilation error was due to not having updated the TrkValHistUtils tag. The feature has been removed also from the last tag of that package. 2015-06-19 Max Goblirsch <goblirsc@CERN.CH> * Reorganized Kinematic, dilepton and cut flow histos 2015-06-17 Shuyang Hu <shuyang.hu@CERN.CH> * Added variable "bool m_useDirDefault" in MuonTPEfficiencyPlotBase.h to avoid errors in compilation 2015-06-14 Maximiliano Sioli <msioli@CERN.CH> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Added global position correction for hits from custom geometry * It works for Pixel and SCT hits * Tag for MIG5 developments * VP1SimHitSystems-00-04-00-00, VP1SimHitSystems-00-04-00-01 and VP1SimHitSystems-00-04-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tagging MuonDQAMonitoring-01-03-07 * share/MuonDetMonitoring.py: init local variables MuonESDMon and MuonRawMon
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* disable code; functions migrated to MuonTrackMonitoring * MuonTrkPhysMonitoring-02-03-03 2015-06-21 Tony Tong * Fix debug output * MuonTrkPhysMonitoring-02-03-02 2015-05-30 Tony Tong * Fix compile warnings * MuonTrkPHysMonitoriing-02-03-01
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Update eta and Et binning * Improve resolution binning * Update offline tools to latest tunes * provide config for 50ns studies * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-67 2015-07-13 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * Handle trigger prefix via parse function * Fix bug in objectList for electrons in NavAnalysis * Use match method for tag * Requires TrigEgammaMathchingTool-00-00-06 * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-66 2015-07-13 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * Move Counters to directory * Use Sumw2 all histograms (need han-config to set HIST for reference) * Move Inefficiency method to base class * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-65 2015-07-10 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ryan Mackenzie White authored