Updates to b-tagging studies
Note: based on !30 (merged)
- Update to latest 3D SF patches
- 3D and 2D/ttH patches: careful about overflow! Take last bin when HT/nJets/nBJets is above the axis limit.
:- Enforce that it only runs on ttbar MC
- Now has three "modes":
for producing the patches and efficiencies, and comparison plots - Add plots to compare b-tagging efficiencies (vs. pT) in various jet multiplicity bins; also compare quark vs. gluon vs. "inclusive" jets; also compare deepCSV and deepFlavour.
: protect against overflows in pT (was causing crashes because of infinite bins, noticed by @umolinat ) -
: more efficient to select before sorting the jets -
: also add deepCSV working points for b-tagging studies - add definition of quark and gluon jets to
- Some small fixes to histogram and plotting scripts