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21.9: step3prep updated

Nicholas Styles requested to merge nstyles/athena:21.9-step3prep_updated into 21.9

This MR continues from !21365 (merged) and takes over !21822 (closed) (after integration of upstream changes) to port over updates needed for Step 3 geometries into 21.9. Basis for the changes is:

BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-90-16 EndcapRingRef-00-00-18-01 PixelLayoutUtils-00-00-12

Please let me know if any of these are not appropriate starting points. On top of what was in these tags, I have removed any dependence on the LayoutTranslationTool and re-implemented any changes that had already been made in 21.9 on top of the previous imports.

Due to the way that the step 3.0 stave longerons are implemented this changes step 2.2 results. However, the extent of these changes appears to be small, and therefore this is in line with the general level of support for step 2.2 we hope to provide. A worst case scenario for differences was checked by @czhou and the results can be found here.


FYI @fcostanz @nova @npetters @asalzbur @hhayward @lmijovic @goblirsc

Edited by Nicholas Styles

Merge request reports
