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TrigConf2COOLOnline: Delete obsolete package

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Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file OnlTrigC2CWriter.h
* @author Joerg Stelzer
* $Author: stelzer $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2008-07-28 13:58:08 $
* @brief the online controlable class for writing configuration
* information from the TriggerDB to COOL
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "TrigConf2COOLOnline/TC2CConfig.h"
#include "RunControl/Common/Controllable.h"
#include "ipc/partition.h"
#include "is/infodictionary.h"
namespace TrigConf {
class OnlTrigC2CWriter;
class TrigConfCoolWriter;
class HLTFrame;
class CTPConfig;
class ISInfoReceiver;
class ISCallbackInfo;
class ISInfoDictionary;
class IPCPartition;
class TrigConf::OnlTrigC2CWriter : public daq::rc::Controllable {
* @param name: this is the named published in IPC (required)
OnlTrigC2CWriter(const std::string & partitionName, const std::string & cooldb, const std::string& triggerdb, bool l1is, bool l1cool, bool mckcool = false );
OnlTrigC2CWriter(const OnlTrigC2CWriter&) = delete;
OnlTrigC2CWriter& operator=(OnlTrigC2CWriter const&) = delete;
virtual ~OnlTrigC2CWriter() noexcept;
virtual void configure (const daq::rc::TransitionCmd&) override;
virtual void connect (const daq::rc::TransitionCmd&) override; //< connect to COOL and to TriggerDB
virtual void prepareForRun(const daq::rc::TransitionCmd&) override;
virtual void unconfigure (const daq::rc::TransitionCmd&) override;
virtual void user (const daq::rc::UserCmd& usrCmd) override;
virtual void stopArchiving(const daq::rc::TransitionCmd& cmd) override;
TC2CConfig& conf() { return m_jobConfig; }
bool readOKS(); // reading the configuration from OKS
bool subscribeToIS(); // subscribe to IS
void publishToIS(); // publish to IS
void readTriggerDb(); // read HLT menu from TriggerDB
void runNumberCallback(ISCallbackInfo *isc);
void readRunNumberFromIS();
void writeHLTPrescaleSetToCool(unsigned int lb, unsigned int pskey, std::string& name);
TC2CConfig m_jobConfig; // object to hold different configuration parameters
TrigConf::TrigConfCoolWriter* m_conf2Cool; // the class that does all the work
std::string m_triggerDB;
ISInfoReceiver* m_infoRec;
IPCPartition* m_IPCPartition; // the ipc partition object
TrigConf::HLTFrame* m_HLTFrame; // pointer to the HLTFrame (could be skipped at the moment since it is still a singleton)
TrigConf::CTPConfig* m_CTPConfig; // the pointer to the lvl1 ctpc;
bool m_forceTriggerDBReadAtPrepareForRun { false };