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AthDerivation Introduction, master branch (2022.06.09.)

Defined the AthDerivation project for the master branch, necessary for ATLINFR-4562.

Note that a few other MRs have to be merged in before this could go ahead.

Also note that this was a very rude awakening for me to the mess that is our package structure in the master branch. 😦 For instance having had to include most of L1Topo in the project just to be able to analyse the trigger content is a joke. 😦 Naturally, I had to update the package list compared to 21.2 a lot. Unfortunately the list made by @boeriu was not much help. 😦 I had to set it up based on on my own. And I'm not fooling myself into thinking that this setup would be perfect. I can't imagine that all derivation jobs would work with this setup. But at least the project builds with this package list. So it could serve as a starting point at least...

Once this is merged, we'll also need to add a nightly for the project, and add it to the CI of the master branch. But we can follow up about those in ATLINFR-4562...

Edited by Attila Krasznahorkay

Merge request reports
