Daily merge of 23.0 into master, May 11th
Daily merge of the 23.0 branch into master
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !62959 (merged) : Remove barcodes from particlejettools
- !62981 (merged) : Update TruthHitAnalysis.cxx: use the new generations() function from MagicNumbers.h
- !62985 (merged) : HardScatterCollectionMaker - Declare data dependencies
- !62984 (merged) : Use the new functions from MagicNumbers.h
- !62971 (merged) : TrkAmbiguitySolverConfig.py: do not add InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProcessor as public AlgTool
- !62969 (merged) : 23.0-coverity-GeneratorFilters
- !62980 (merged) : adding calibration chain - just one for now - into CA menu
- !62485 (merged) : add FTAG variables to PHYSLITE [ATLASG-2522]
- !62947 (merged) : Reduce the usage of barcodes on Simulation/BarcodeService
- !62949 (merged) : Fixed multi-threaded Event Service
- !62978 (merged) : Update online DNN tune for DNN triggers 2023 - rel22_20230405_LHinput
- !62957 (merged) : IsolationSelectionTool - Add mechanism to declare the dependencies to the avalanche scheduler
- !62960 (merged) : Update digitization unit tests and art build tests after !62318 (merged) (ATLASSIM-6559)
- !62934 (merged) : Fix newJO part putting it also in CA mode
- !62961 (merged) : Remove some commended code that has barcodes
- !62962 (merged) : Remove barcodes from muon spectrometer code
- !62948 (merged) : TruthRepointTool - Declare data dependencies
- !62963 (merged) : MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig: Remove config of apparently-unused public AlgTools
- !62967 (merged) : Drop MC16-style DigitizationTests ART jobs
- !62955 (merged) : Revert "Merge branch '23.0-zdc-catrf' into '23.0'"