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Daily merge of 23.0 into main


  1. Tracking/TrkConfig/python/
### ITk with FTF standalone mode ####                                                                                                                           
def createITkFTFPassFlags():

    icf = createITkFastTrackingPassFlags()
<<<<<<< HEAD

    icf.addFlag("doHitDV"            , False)
    icf.addFlag("doDisappearingTrk"  , False)
    icf.seedFilterLevel       = 0

    icf.addFlag("doHitDV"            , False)
    icf.addFlag("doDisappearingTrk"  , False)
    icf.useSeedFilter         = False
>>>>>>> upstream/23.0
    icf.minPT                 = [0.9 * Units.GeV, 0.4 * Units.GeV, 0.4 * Units.GeV]
    icf.minPTSeed             = 0.9 * Units.GeV

    return icf

Caused by !64818 (merged) in the main (author @ewatton) and !65127 (merged) in 23.0 (author @tstreble). The conflict was resolved manually. @ewatton and @tstreble, please confirm that you are happy with the resolution.

  1. Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigOutputHandling/src/TriggerEDMSerialiserTool.cxx
     totalSize(*debugInfoThisModule) = sizeSum;
<<<<<<< HEAD
      msg(severeTruncation ? MSG::ERROR : MSG::WARNING)
        << "HLT result truncation" << (severeTruncation ? "." : " in low priority collections.")
        << " Module ID: " << id << ", limit: "
        << m_truncationThresholds.value().at(id)/1024. << " kB, total size: "
        << sizeSum/1024. << " kB, largest recorded collection: " << largestRecorded.first
        << " (" << largestRecorded.second/1024. << " kB), largest dropped collection: "
        << largestDropped.first << " (" << largestDropped.second/1024. << " kB)."
        << endmsg;
      ATH_MSG_ERROR("HLT result truncation. Module ID: " << id << ", limit: "
                    << m_truncationThresholds.value().at(id)/1024. << " kB, total size: "
                    << sizeSum/1024. << " kB, largest recorded collection: " << largestRecorded.first
                    << " (" << largestRecorded.second/1024. << " kB), largest dropped collection: "
                    << largestDropped.first << " (" << largestDropped.second/1024. << " kB).");
      // Give more information on the chains which accepted this event                                                                                          
      using namespace TrigCompositeUtils;
      SG::ReadHandle<DecisionContainer> navigation(m_debugNavigationSummaryRHKey); // Implicit ctx lookup - OK, rare code path                                  
      const Decision* terminus = getTerminusNode(navigation);
      if (terminus) {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Passing chains in this event: ";
        for (const DecisionID chainID : decisionIDs(terminus)) {
          ss << HLT::Identifier(chainID).name() << ", ";
          addDecisionID(chainID, debugInfoThisModule); // Save this list also into the output, it is then accessible offline too                                
>>>>>>> upstream/23.0

Caused by !65040 (merged) in the main (author @fwinkl) and !64966 (merged) in 23.0 (author @tamartin). The conflict was resolved manually. @fwinkl and @tamartin, please confirm that you are OK with the resolution.

This sweep contains the following MRs:

Merge request reports