2024-04-30: merge of 24.0 into main
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !70985 (merged) Allow truncation of trigger collections Trigger, TriggerEDM
- !70973 (merged) Update SC111-CjJ40, HT, and jMJJ thresholds Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !70966 (merged) Update AtlasAuthentication file path to v22 Database
- !70967 (merged) ISF_ValidationMT: Update MC23a Simulation ART jobs to MC23e Simulation
- !70971 (merged) AthenaMonitoringCfg: Remove raise of exception for HLT Mon if data AOD (ATR-28781) Core, DQ
- !70943 (merged) TileMonitoring: Add python script to run online TileTB monintoring in Run3 DQ, Tile
- !70968 (merged) Tier0ChainTests: package cleanup Tools
- !70975 (merged) [TrigEgam] Including photon chains in the egamma monitoring DQ, Egamma, Trigger