2024-06-03: merge of 24.0 into main
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !71869 (merged) Reduction of verbosity for more InDet tools Egamma, ITk, InnerDetector, JetEtmiss
- !71886 (merged) GaussianSumFitter. Rm the fitter messages. tidy a bit the ones from Algs Egamma, Reconstruction, Tracking
- !71889 (merged) Try to simplify and reduce the init out put from TrackSummaryTool Tracking
- !71891 (merged) cleanup a bit the messages from the Gsf Egamma, Tracking
- !71890 (merged) Reduce the verbosity for egamma selector tools initialized multiple times Analysis, Derivation, Egamma
- !71904 (merged) TrigAnalysisTest: force MC23e conditions in CI test Trigger, changes-trigger-counts
- !71864 (merged) L1Topo: remove Phase-0 L1Topo monitoring DQ, Trigger
- !71840 (merged) TrigT1CaloTools: delete legacy job options Trigger
- !71835 (merged) simplifying DipzMLPL condition by using the DipzLikelihood class JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerJet
- !70938 (merged) TriggerMenuMT: add workaround for unmerged MET CAs JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !71841 (merged) PathResolver: package and documentation cleanup Tools
- !71843 (merged) Reduce InDetRecAlgs + some InDetRecTools verbosity Egamma, InnerDetector
- !71877 (merged) Update cosmics test. Relates to ATLASRECTS-7530 ATLASRECTS-7531 Reconstruction