Implement parallel plotting via multiprocessing for the DAC scans and S-bit rate scan analysis routines.
Fixes #37 (closed).
Taking example input files available in /gemdata/data/dac-scan-in-2022081701
and /afs/
for the DAC scans and /gemdata/data/sbit-rate-scan-in-inductionOffHVstandby-2022110801
for the S-bit rate scan.
The changes were tested by running:
gemos analyze dac dac-scan-in-2022081701/fed146* test_dac1/ -m 4Yechan/vfat_map.dat -c 4Yechan/vfat_calibration.txt -p always
gemos analyze sbit sbit-rate-scan-in-inductionOffHVstandby-2022110801/fed1467-slot* test1_sbit/ -p