This is the documentation for croc_wlt, the wafer-level testing software for the CMS Readout Chips.
The software is being used for production testing of RD53C-CMS (CROCv2) wafers.
Hardware setup
The hardware setup for CROC wafer-level testing comprises the following:
- Probe station: Cascade Microtech CM300xi semi-automatic probe station;
- CROC probe card;
- WLT Power Board
- CROC single-chip card;
- DAQ board: FC7 with KSU FMC;
- Wafer Probing Auxiliary Card (WPAC) with mounted Arduino Due board;
- Power supplies: TTi QL355TP;
- Source-meter unit: Keithley 24XX series (tested with 2400, 2401, 2450);
- Controlling computer.
More details about the hardware component can be found in the Hardware setup page.
Software setup
The software setup for CROC wafer-level testing consists in:
- Operating system: CERN CentOS 7;
- Python 3.7;
- GPIB library for controlling the probe station;
croc_wlt wafer-level testing package, which contains:
- modules for chip testing and probe station control;
- modules for data analysis;
- library for interfacing with the probe station via GPIB;
- library for sending commands to the WPAC;
- library for controlling the power supplies and source-meter unit.
The detailed croc_wlt software structure is described in the Software structure page.
A user guide for for the wafer-level testing software, croc_wlt, can be found in the Software guide page.