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Change dddb-tag in thoughput test

Hendrik Jage requested to merge hjage_throughput_test_fix into master

This MR is the equivalent to !435 (merged) for throughput tests.

This small change modifies and adds the option to overwrite the dddb_tag from the test file database, by giving a new one as argument --dddb-tag. This is then made use of in

This change is needed for tests of new hlt2 lines, or more specifically their testing on simulation. See lhcb/Moore!3533 (merged) for more details. The change is temporary and can be removed, once new simulation, relying directly on dddb-20240427 or newer becomes available.

It is quite urgent, in that it aims to fix lhcb/Moore!3720 (comment 8279041). See also lhcb/Moore!3666 (comment 8279199).

Merge request reports
