IFT MRs targeting August MD deadline
This branch collects new HLT2 IFT line updates aiming for the August Technical Stop (date: 24th July). It includes:
- Isolated photon lines: generic with a minimum pt (minpT) option. Lines to be added to the FULL stream. The dR=0.5 cone around the photon should have a total pT<0.2*minpT for isolation. Lines set with persistReco=True. Bandwidth tested on hlt1-filtered simulation, obtained 20 MB/s rates with the following line combinations :
: minpT>5 GeV , prescale=0.01 -
: minpT>10 GeV, prescale=0.1 -
: minpT>20 GeV, prescale=1.0
- CEP lines for SMOG2. These are lines to trigger on Central Exclusive Production events produced in the SMOG2 cell in beam-empty bunch-crossings, where there is no activity from pp collisions with high-mu. Lines are discussed here: Moore !3667 (merged).
- Rate and bandwidth in simulation might not be reliable, so bandwidth is estimated in data.
- pHe+pp data from fill 9523, run 290437, used ~800k hlt1-filtered events (also estimated in pAr data, but rates are lower as hlt1 rate from cep line smaller)
- Lines (rate in Hz indicated,
(0Hz): 1 to 5 long track lines -
(0Hz): dimuon line -
(0Hz): muon and long track line (semileptonic decays and background studies)
- Total bandwidth 0.082 Mb/s (driven by the low event size)
- Lines for pHe, which are already described and tested in the original merge request: !3279 (merged)
Edited by Oscar Boente Garcia