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First implementation of TELL40 v1 cluster output (default) and two sensor SP banks (only if FPGA clustering not available)

David Hutchcroft requested to merge dhcroft-VPBankUpdate into master

These are the changes to Allen required to decode the v1 retina clusters. This is the default for first data taking, see v.4 With the update requested by the RTA for the source ID to have the DF bit moved to the end, so bits 9..0 sort the order of the pairs of sensors.

The superpixel banks (not expected to be output, but could be if the clustering in the TELL40s is problematic) are mixed between two sensors and have the correct TFC routing bankID.

The VPRetinaCluster banks also contain two sensors worth of clusters using the v1 cluster bit patterns (previously v0 was implemented, see EDMS doc above). Note this is not fully checked, as it has not been run through Allen hence the Draft: label and includes all of the RCv1 updates recently accepted into master.

This MR should be tested together with LHCb!3452 (merged), Boole!398 (merged), Rec!2958 (merged) and Moore!1635 (merged).

Edited by Giovanni Bassi

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