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Add Lumi line to Hlt2

Daniel Charles Craik requested to merge dcraik_hlt2_lumi into master

Adds the machinery for a Hlt2 luminosity line as well as an example line.

  • A lumi summary schema is generated in, using the same generation algorithm already used by Allen, and is saved to the metadata repository
  • A lumi line is added to Hlt2, which selects events based on the ODIN event type flag and produces an HltLumiSummary object containing two example counters (the total energy (after zero-suppression) in the ECal and HCal)
  • The HltLumiWriter is added to to persist the new bank to the output

The machinery functions as expected - a LumiSummary bank with the correct source ID, encoding key and counters is inserted into the output event.

Test with LHCb!4130 (merged), Rec!3426 (closed) and MooreOnline!248 (merged)

Edited by Daniel Charles Craik

Merge request reports
