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BnoC: HLT2/Spruce lines

Zewen Chen requested to merge bnoc_run3_zewen into master

The BnoC HLT2 lines will be merged into this MR firstly. And then this MR will be merged into master.

This MR should be merged after !2403 (merged), which modifies how BnoC sprucing lines are registered.

The BnoC HLT2 line MRs which have been merged into this MR:

The BnoC HLT2 line MRs which need to be updated :

New HLT2 lines added by this MR (estimated by upgrade_minbias_hlt1_filtered sample, follow the instructions in this slides):

HLT2 line rate(kHz) light_without_UT rate(kHz) fastest
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKsKsLLLLDecision 0.11 0.11
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKsKsLLDDDecision 0 0.44
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKsKsDDDDDecision 0 0
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToRhoRhoDecision 0.22 0.22
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPhiRhoDecision 0 0
Hlt2BnoC_BdToHHDecision 0.11 0.11
Hlt2BnoC_BuToPipPi0Decision 0.33 0.33
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSPi0_LLDecision 0.22 0.11
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSPipPim_LLDecision 0 0
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSPipPim_DDDecision 0 0.22
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSKpKm_LLDecision 0 0
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSKpKm_DDDecision 0 0
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSKpPim_LLDecision 0.11 0.11
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKSKpPim_DDDecision 0 0.44
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPpPmKS_DDDecision 0 0
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPpPmKS_LLDecision 0 0

HLT2 lines tuned in this MR (estimated by upgrade_minbias_hlt1_filtered sample, follow the instructions in this slides):

HLT2 line new rate(kHz) light_without_UT new rate(kHz) fastest
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPipPimPipPimDecision 0.33 0.33
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKpPimPipPimDecision 0.55 0.55
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKpKmPipPimDecision 0.22 0.11
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKpKmKpPimDecision 0.33 0.33
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKpKmKpKmDecision 0.11 0.11
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKstzKstzbDecision 0.33 0.33
Hlt2BnoC_BdsToKstzRhoDecision 0 0.11

Other changes:

  • !2330 (merged) used one Bu(c)ToKKK line without PID requirement to replace similar Bu(c)ToKKK/KpiK/Kpipi/pipipi/KpKppim/pippipKm/ppbarK/ppbarpi lines with PID requirement on input particles.
  • !2330 (merged) removed trchi2todof/tr_ghost_prob cuts in the make_soft_proton/pion/kaons.
  • !2102 (merged) added a sprucing line SpruceBnoC_BdToHH.
Edited by Zewen Chen

Merge request reports
