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Convert TtracksCatboostFilter to use Pr::Seeding::Tracks instead of v1 tracks, prepare T track calorimeter reconstruction

Izaac Sanderswood requested to merge isanders-ttrack-catboost-to-pr into 2024-patches

Ttracks MVA filtering: Following on from !3646 (merged) and Moore!2731 (merged), the decloned PrSeeding tracks can be used in the MVA filter, then the output can be passed to PrKalmanFilter. Goes with Moore#657 (closed). Currently did a minimal conversion of the code, but sections can probably be vectorised (except the evaluation of BDT).

T track calorimeter reconstruction: Adds TrackAncestorAssociator algorithms to associate a provided set of tracks either using the object key or by the fromIndex in a RelationTable1D Changes the PrKalmanFilter to insert v1 tracks with a key corresponding to the index in the Pr container This is required as the unfitted T tracks are used in calorimeter reconstruction, but (possibly filtered) fitted T tracks are used in selections

Configured in Moore!2784 (merged)

Depends on LHCb!4385 (merged)

Edited by Izaac Sanderswood

Merge request reports
