Synchronize master branch with 2024-patches
- enable DTF to be run with same substitutePID but different constraitns (!4098 (merged))
- Improve test name detection via environment (!4077 (merged))
- Prepare Rec v36r14 (!4104 (merged))
- Calo LHCbID handling workaround in HltTrueSimEffAlg to make Hlt1 TrueSim studies possible (!3801 (merged))
- Fix the issue with decay finder with intermediate identical particles (!4102 (merged))
- Add binomial counter to VPHitEfficiencyMonitor as a rough check (!4065 (merged))
- migrate walk to LHCb (!4082 (merged))
- Add functor to access PV tracks (!4028 (merged))
- Correction to plume monitoring (!4097 (merged))
- Add new functors for DFEI (!3527 (merged))
- MassCorr_With_InvMass (!4040 (merged))
- Fix Warning message thrown from within OSVertexChargeTagger (!4067 (merged))
- Remove all use of std::integral_constant from functor constructors (!4034 (merged))
- Prepare Rec v36r13 (!4087 (merged))
- Adding monitor of PV tracks relations (!4085 (merged))
- Refactor Monet detector correlation plots and adapt them to ions (!4070 (merged))
- ensure unique weights in track versus MCParticle matching (!4068 (merged))
- Fix bug in track refitting to support mixed track types (downstream + long) (!4063 (merged))
- Add track extrapolation Functor (!3491 (merged))
- Using Gaudi/Parsers/Factory.h instead of GaudiKernel/ParsersFactory.h (!4076 (merged))
- Add HASOWNPV functor and make FILTER work with combination as input (!4008 (merged))
- More improvements of functor implementation (!4033 (merged))
Edited by Marco Clemencic