- Oct 27, 2020
scott snyder authored
Remove reference to obsolete header StoreGate.h.
- Oct 26, 2020
Frank Winklmeier authored
Support FlowElements in JetReconstruction The `FlowElement` (FE) EDM has been introduced to represent PFO/TCC/UFO objects, and PFO reconstruction is now capable of producing its output in FE format (TCC/UFOs in progress at the time of writing). This takes care of the next step, which is to add support for FEs in jet reconstruction itself. This affects tools which look at the constituents of jets, so most of the changes are related to jet modifier and constituent modifier tools. This has also necessitated some more development of utilities for handling FlowElements, so I also introduce the `FEHelpers` collection of helper functions. The key difference is that all attribute handling lives outside of the EDM itself, allowing us more flexibility. Quite a few other items came up during this development, so a summary of the changes is here: **JetMomentTools, JetRecTools, JetUtils** - Added support for FlowElements to all tools which depend on the jet constituent type. - Only FlowElement representing PFOs are universally supported at the moment. We'll need a bit of further development to handle TCCs/UFOs when the time comes for that. - Fixed a bug in JetPtAssociationTool where it was trying to match the input jet collection to itself. This is the kind of thing it would be great to have ART tests for! **JetRec** - Added a new job config flag **jetFlags.usePFlowFE**, which needs to be set to `True` for running FE-based jet reco. It is set to `False` by default. - Added FlowElement support to `PseudoJetGetter` - Added support for a FlowElement-based EMPFlow jet collection **eFlowRec** - Updated the naming scheme for FlowElement moments to harmonize them with the CaloCluster scheme. - FlowElement reconstruction now correctly sets the `signalType` for the FEs it creates. - Fixed a bug where FlowElement moments weren't being saved correctly to the output collections. **xAODPFlow** - Added a `setP4(..)` to the FlowElement EDM which takes in a `FourMom_t` instead of just the four individual components. **PFlowUtils** - Added `FEHelpers` namespace, containing utility functions for FlowElements such as computing corrected 4-vectors and accessing cluster moments. **DerivationFramework** - Added support for a "EMPFlowFE" chain in arbitrary derivations. This includes an addition to smart slimming lists, etc. This can be removed once we fully replace the nominal PFO collections and simply make "EMPFlow" the FlowElement-based one. But for now, we want to have both in parallel. **ThinningUtils** - Added FlowElement support to `ThinNegativeEnergyNeutralPFOsAlg` I've tested this full set of changes by running the full reco chain from RDO->AOD to get updated FlowElements, and the jet reconstruction itself in AOD->DAOD. I was able to produce a modified DAOD_PHYS with these new jets using the additions to DerivationFramework, and verified that they do correctly reproduce the existing PFlow jets. Constituent-level variables appear identical; some differences in calibrated quantities are observed, which we suspect are from the calibration itself differing between the two collections. These tests have been fairly limited in scope; we'll of course want to do a more complete validation after this is in. After this MR, we'll need another doing the same thing for MET. That should be easier with the FE helper functions already in place. I also note that the config support added here uses the "old" jet config, which will soon be superseded. Putting the FlowElement support into the new config remains to be done, but that will be purely python-level and so isn't necessary before the feature freeze. Tagging @delsart, @khoo, @mhodgkin, @sschramm for any input they might have. Tagging @sawyer, @cdelitzs, @mswiatlo for their awareness. See merge request atlas/athena!37239
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fix for ATLASRECTS-5662 Closes ATLASRECTS-5662 See merge request atlas/athena!37557
Frank Winklmeier authored
Update DFSUSY See merge request atlas/athena!37520
Frank Winklmeier authored
Make EventBookkeeperTools properly dual use Closes ATEAM-602 See merge request atlas/athena!37561
Frank Winklmeier authored
OutputStreamCfg: add ability to input MetadataItemList See merge request atlas/athena!37552
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fix aliasing bug in newCovarianceMatrix method See merge request atlas/athena!37440
Frank Winklmeier authored
GSF PosteriorWeightsCalculator : Reduce number of allocations See merge request atlas/athena!37590
Frank Winklmeier authored
Add ATH_RESTRICT to addBiotSavart inputs. See merge request atlas/athena!37582
Frank Winklmeier authored
Add new ART test for the FlowElement configuration See merge request atlas/athena!37213
Frank Winklmeier authored
support LRT in tau reconstruction (ATLTAU-1721) Closes ATLTAU-1721 See merge request atlas/athena!36445
LRT track container included in TauTrackFinder Using InDetLargeD0TrackParticles as LRT container name will make this happen
Frank Winklmeier authored
Adding setting of WPs for Reta, Rhad and Wstot See merge request atlas/athena!36876
Frank Winklmeier authored
Egamma: qualify auto (eg const auto, const auto *, const auto &) , and use std::exp See merge request atlas/athena!37585
Frank Winklmeier authored
TrkEvent/TrkGeometry: use clang-tidy llvm 10. Among other things we can check for... See merge request atlas/athena!37567
Frank Winklmeier authored
GSF . clang-tidy checks. Including possible use after move bugfix See merge request atlas/athena!37565
Frank Winklmeier authored
Initialise MetaDataSvc with tools See merge request atlas/athena!37551
Frank Winklmeier authored
InDetV0FinderTool: Make Reentrant See merge request atlas/athena!37524
Frank Winklmeier authored
ByteStreamCnvSvc+ByteStreamCnvSvcBase+TrigByteStreamCnvSvc: Enable thread-safety checking. See merge request atlas/athena!37578
Frank Winklmeier authored
Propagate new cell time cut on master See merge request atlas/athena!37522
Frank Winklmeier authored
Connect Flow Elements to Muon container See merge request atlas/athena!36273
Reworked the cluster matching to be cell based matching if we're not matching TopoClusters to FE Topoclusters
Frank Winklmeier authored
Make Muon Segment Finding Algs Reentrant See merge request atlas/athena!37444
Migrating the muons egment finding algorithms to be reentrant (ATR-22181). Mostly changing AthAlgorithm to AtReentrantAlgorithm, making relevent functions const in the algorithms and associated tools, and passing the event context to the data handles. (Note the event context should also be passed down through the tools to the data handles included in tools. Will do this in separate merge requests, as there is quite a labyrinth of tools to navigate and this MR is already starting to get a bit large).
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fixes in LArMonitoring See merge request atlas/athena!37586
Frank Winklmeier authored
Nightly test to detect changes of classes in Trigger EDM See merge request atlas/athena!37324
Frank Winklmeier authored
Master run3 tmdb container See merge request atlas/athena!37334
In RUN3 the TMDB container filling will use a single threshold for cell D5, D6 and D5+D6 and code extended for this end. RUN2 container filling is still in place and interchangeable from Athena job options for tile cabling.
Frank Winklmeier authored
Add usage of current to LAr HV computation See merge request atlas/athena!37513
Frank Winklmeier authored
use the materialCache consistently in Extrapolation See merge request atlas/athena!37595
Frank Winklmeier authored
TrigT1CaloByteStream: Make JepByteStream tools const. See merge request atlas/athena!37579
Christos Anastopoulos authored