- May 17, 2017
- May 12, 2017
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Former-commit-id: 20dde8ed
- May 07, 2017
Use tdaq software stack from cvmfs (ATLINFR-1689) See merge request !1362 Former-commit-id: cfa3fc8f
- May 03, 2017
Use tdaq software stack from cvmfs (ATLINFR-1689) See merge request !1362 Former-commit-id: 1401a353
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Former-commit-id: bc52a1f9
- Apr 30, 2017
Davide Gerbaudo authored
Use tdaq software stack from cvmfs (ATLINFR-1689) See merge request !1290 Former-commit-id: 9ac931db
- Apr 01, 2017
Graeme A Stewart authored
Suppress the bogus errors from the "ls" command in AtlasExternals GIve an explicit error message if error count is non-zero at end of scripts Former-commit-id: 3532767f
Graeme A Stewart authored
Add some environment variables with a standard pattern of External_URL and External_REF that control the repository URL and refrence used in the checkout scripts. This makes it much easier to test changes to these repositories before they are merged into the main repos. The special value "current" for the URL signals no clone or checkout and leaves the current checkout in place, so that even uncommitted changes can be tested. Former-commit-id: 6f187e0e
- Mar 10, 2017
Christian Gumpert authored
Even if we do not to fail immediately on errors when building Gaudi or ATLAS externals, it is still important for the CI system to know whether some errors occured. By not failing on error but reporting the total number of errors, the calling scripts can decide how to deal with this in specific situations (e.g. CI build vs nightly). Former-commit-id: 136d2f16
- Mar 06, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
This is needed to make the CI system assign a reasonable label to merge requests modifying files in this directory. At the same time updated the Athena package_filters.txt file to ignore both the CI and the Build directories. Not having the project ignore them was not leading to any compilation problems, but it made both directories show up in the generated packages.txt file. Which really just tries to confuse NICOS. Former-commit-id: d2ef8801
- Mar 04, 2017
Emil Obreshkov authored
new copy_rpm_eos.sh to be used by the nightly builds See merge request !286 Former-commit-id: 878555a9
- Mar 03, 2017
- Feb 26, 2017
Graeme A Stewart authored
This script will tag a Jenkins nightly build, using the name of the current branch and the timestamp defined in the $datestamp variable or given on the command line. It should be used as a generic part of any production nightly Jenkins build of athena. Former-commit-id: 3c55ae20
Graeme A Stewart authored
This script will tag a Jenkins nightly build, using the name of the current branch and the timestamp defined in the $datestamp variable or given on the command line. It should be used as a generic part of any production nightly Jenkins build of athena. Former-commit-id: a992c758
- Feb 23, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
supposed to in my local tests. Former-commit-id: 0da28b1f
- Feb 22, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Updated LCGConfig.cmake to add the Ranges v3 directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This is to allow Gaudi to find these headers when building it against one of the ATLAS externals projects. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-79 2017-01-24 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Updated FindMadGraph.cmake to "FORCESET" the MADPATH environment variable. To be able to override this variable in a cache. * Also taught FindMadGraph.cmake to set up the generator's directory in the PYTHONPATH environment variable. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-78 Former-commit-id: 26df47df
- Feb 17, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
as suggested on the merge request. Former-commit-id: 9d33d9b8
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
macOS builds we'll need to use different containers. Former-commit-id: abef7276
- Feb 15, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
for a branch to be checked out. To properly update to the latest version of the repository, in case it was updated. Former-commit-id: f2596d8f
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
These packages are developed in the atlasexternals repository instead. Having the code here is just causing confusion at this point. Former-commit-id: 29ac1718
- Feb 13, 2017
ATLAS Robot authored
The build scripts were failing when executed twice with the same build directory. Re-using previous builds is essential for incremental builds. Former-commit-id: 534656e7
- Feb 07, 2017
Emil Obreshkov authored
Former-commit-id: 24604c92
Graeme Stewart authored
Modify checkout_atlasexternals.sh to use a default clone URL which is https+krb5. Also allow this to be changed with a command line switch. N.B. Still requires support from the higher level script Projects/Athena/build_externals.sh. Change the Athena project package build list. Remove analysis only packages that should not build here. Also filter out many generator packages for now until these can be fixed properly. Lack of generators disables fast simulation. Former-commit-id: d27c35f7
- Feb 03, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
from scratch. The code builds AthenaExternals and Gaudi from git, and then sets up the build of the Athena project on top of those externals. Former-commit-id: ed0de562
Christian Gumpert authored
Take CMake modules functions that build from git properly Note that this is a temporary fix, pending the switch to storing the ATLAS CMake helpers in the AtlasExternals repository (which @akraszna is doing) However, it should be accepted quite urgently as at the moment the cmake step on the 21.0 branch fails, so no builds are possible. See merge request !163 Former-commit-id: 2b6ec44c
- Jan 20, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
The setup.sh script no longer requires a directory to exist for it to be set up (AtlasCMake-00-01-70-10) * Removed the requirement from setup.sh.in that it would only set up existing directories. Mainly to simplify setting up work areas on top of a release. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-10 2016-12-19 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Backported the updates of Findtdaq-common.cmake, Finddqm-common.cmake and Findtdaq.cmake from AtlasCMake-00-01-88. * This should fix ATLINFR-1402 * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-09 Former-commit-id: 9d706482
- Jan 10, 2017
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Created a FindJava.cmake module to wrap CMake's FindJava.cmake. Now that LCG actually comes with Java included. * This is to replace using FindJavaSDK.cmake that is in AtlasCMake. But for the moment that module is also kept alive to allow clients to migrate to this new module at their own pace. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-77 2016-11-29 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Updated FindPythonLibs.cmake and FindPythonInterp.cmake to set PYTHONHOME forcefully. To be able to fix a wrong setting picked up by some base project, in a higher level project. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-76 Former-commit-id: 74aa2162
- Dec 16, 2016
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Updated FindCASTOR.cmake to be compatible with LCG_86. As well as the older LCG releases. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-75 2016-11-08 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Taught FindLhapdf.cmake to set the environment variables correctly even when LHAPDF was compiled as part of a base project, and is not taken from LCG. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-74 Former-commit-id: 8250780e
- Dec 01, 2016
Frank Winklmeier authored
* modules/Findtdaq.cmake: Adjust to new location of OKS database (ATR-13357) * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-08 Former-commit-id: 04c09ce7
Antonio Limosani authored
* ATLINFR-1076 Set PYTHONHOME * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-73 2016-10-25 Johannes Elmsheuser <Johannes.Elmsheuser@cern.ch> * Patch FindDavix.cmake for correct library setup, used in ByteStreamStoragePlugins * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-72 2016-09-27 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Made FindROOT.cmake check the version of ROOT found, in case the user asks for a minimum/exact version. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-71 2016-09-07 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Changed the logic in LCGConfig-version.cmake, so that it wouldn't try to access AFS at all when we don't try to set up an actual release. * Updated some find-modules to search for externals in system directories when we didn't set up an actual LCG release. * The code now avoids setting up RPM dependencies for packages ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: db14b065
- Nov 26, 2016
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
* modules/Findtdaq.cmake: Fix of the tdaq RPM dependency * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-07 2016-11-22 Johannes Elmsheuser <Johannes.Elmsheuser@cern.ch> * Findtdaq.cmake port new RPM naming schema from trunk * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-06 2016-11-08 OAna Boeriu <oana.boeriu@cern.ch> * Moved the dbg option outside of the for-loop * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-05 2016-11-08 Oana Boeriu <oana.boeriu@cern.ch> * Added new UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer output to dbg platform builds option - OBO Stewart Martin-Haugh * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-04 Former-commit-id: 37d244ad
- Nov 01, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixed small typo in tdaq/tdaq-common/dqm-common dependencies names in the corresponding cmake modules * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-03 2016-10-11 Emil Obreshkov <obreshko@cern.ch> * updated tdaq/tdaq-common/dqm-common dependencies names in the corresponding cmake modules * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-02 Former-commit-id: ba0f371f
- Oct 11, 2016
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Disabled -Wl,--no-undefined for 21.0.X in this branch tag. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-01 2016-08-23 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Fixing the issue described in ATLINFR-1240 with the setup of the CALIBPATH environment variable in ZSH. As it turns out, the cause of this was something that I'd label as a ZSH bug. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70 2016-08-19 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Re-enabling the -Wl,--no-undefined flag, to be used in the CMAKE nightly. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-69 Former-commit-id: 1c26e63e
- Sep 15, 2016
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
* Modfiy Findpyanalysis.cmake to use site.py instead of numpy/__init__.py to find the PYTHONPATH 2016-09-01 Johannes Elmsheuser <Johannes.Elmsheuser@cern.ch> * Modfiy Findpytools.cmake to use site.py instead of mock.py to find the PYTHONPATH Former-commit-id: bd0c6ec6
- Sep 01, 2016
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Modified FindFFTW.cmake to (hopefully) be able to cooperate with the FFTW version built by External/AtlasFFTW. * Updated the code to be able to find/use tcmalloc from inside of the LCG release. In case we don't build our own version of it inside AtlasExternals. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-67 2016-08-19 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Taught the code to recognise absolute path names in the LCG text files. To be able to use the LCG nightly builds correctly as well. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-66 2016-08-15 Emil Obreshkov <obreshko@cern.ch> * Small protection when reading lines from LCG_externals_<platform>.txt file * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-65 Former-commit-id: 8ef892f3
- Aug 19, 2016
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
* scripts/acmake.py (show_clients): add check if directory exists * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-68 2016-08-11 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Fixed atlas_add_dictionary(...) to behave the same way with Navigables as the CMT pattern did. That for all types that need Navigable dictionaries, would get DataLink and ElementLink dictionaries automatically as well. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-67 2016-08-09 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Made sure that FindGaudi.cmake would not pollute the user's environment with variables used by it internally. * Tested that Johannes's code seems to work as it should. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-66 2016-08-09 Johannes Elmsheuser <Johannes.Elmsheuser@cern.ch> * Added 4 and 5 digit cache support for Gaudi RPM - fixes ATLINFR-1217 * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-65 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 2d2e3992
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Increased the limit on the size of the LCG "info files" to 5 MBs. To allow using LCG_85 correctly. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-64 2016-07-20 Oana Boeriu <Oana.Boeriu@cern.ch> * Adding some additional link options for the Boost libraries cf ATLINFR-1150 2016-07-15 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Added a very simple FindQt5.cmake module to allow some very basic development using LCG's Qt5 version. Unfortunately uic doesn't work with this setup out of the box, only if the user sources the build area's setup script before the build. Should be good enough for some first development though. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-62 2016-06-21 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Updated FindBoost.cmake to always set up linking against the (p)thread(s) library. Since many ATLAS packages use Boost code that internally uses that library. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-61 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: da02a33f
- Jul 02, 2016
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Changed the "short name" of CentOS to "centos" from the previous "cc". As that's the new SFT convention. * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-57 2016-06-15 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Removed the debugging message that I left in FindGaudi.cmake, while debugging why it wasn't picking up the right RPM version in the nightly. It wasn't causing any problems, was just printing an annoying message. (Which was highlighted a lot more by QtCreator.) * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-56 2016-06-13 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * Remove build flags already part of the C++14 standard (ATR-1086) * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-55 Former-commit-id: 7a6828e4
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Changed the "short name" of CentOS to "centos" from the previous "cc". As that's the new SFT convention. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-60 2016-06-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * As it turned out, the previous code broke down when trying to generate environment setup files, while having included the package "with version 0". This should now work as well. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-59 2016-06-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Made it possible to make use of the modules of the package without actually setting up an LCG release. So that we could use the same find modules for looking up externals in standalone builds as well. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-58 Former-commit-id: 0315a241
- Jun 14, 2016
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Patching FindGaudi.cmake, and making the ReleaseData generation a little smarter (AtlasCMake-00-01-54) * Turned off the automatic documentation generation once again. * Tried to make FindGaudi.cmake pick up the correct version of Gaudi for the RPM name generation in the nightly. The proper fix for this will be to generate a text file in the Gaudi build that FindGaudi.cmake will be able to use to get this version number. * Made the ReleaseData file generation a little smarter. Making use of a few more NICOS environment variables than it did before. (Made sure that the file would still look reasonable when generating it outside of NICOS.) * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-54 2016-06-02 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Updated Doxygen to create many subdirectories for its documentation. As AFS can not deal with a single directory layout. * Moved the tag file into the doc/ subdirectory in the installation tree. * Declared an installation rule for the documentation files. * Turned on the default build of the "doc" target once again. As ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 586e5661e897791ec5ea229a5e29a99ded7b539c