- Jan 06, 2021
Bertrand Martin authored
Hello, This MR is dropping a few lines of code that should have been removed in !37952 when we dropped a tau eta correction. It does not change the reconstruction output. Cheers, Bertrand
Edward Moyse authored
Bertrand Martin authored
Hello, This MR adds a new tauRec thinning algorithm that will remove all entries from tau-related containers for tau candidates below a minimum tau pt threshold. The motivation is explained in detail in https://indico.cern.ch/event/986226/contributions/4152506/attachments/2164807/3653366/TauCP_Seeds_LRT_17Dec20.pdf (slide 10). In R22, we will have to relax the seed jet pt cut (15 GeV) currently applied by default in the reconstruction, as it causes tau reconstruction inefficiency. Instead, we will have to run the tau reconstruction on all seed jets, and at the end, remove tau candidates below a pt threshold (~10 GeV), in order to keep the tau disk size comparable to what it is now. The algorithm is added to tauRec but not yet deployed in RecExCommon_topOptions, on purpose. This will be done once we converge on the pt threshold, and the seed jet pt cut will have to be dropped at the same time. Relevant JIRA ticket: ATLASRECTS-5684 Cheers, Bertrand
Christos Anastopoulos authored
- Jan 05, 2021
Bertrand Martin authored
Hello, This MR is mostly importing !26767 from 21.2 to master, with the original MR description pasted below. A protection is added against invalid TauTrack links when retrieving the tau tracks or the number of tau tracks. This is required to support tau track thinning, used e.g. in DAOD_PHYS. Now, only the tau tracks that have a valid link are considered in the TauJets interface class. In particular, the behaviour of nAllTracks() had to be changed to be consistent with allTracks().size(). If one only keeps e.g. classifiedCharged tau tracks by thinning away the other tracks, nAllTracks() will now return the number of classifiedCharged tracks. Something new compared to the R21 MR: to keep track of the total number of tracks associated with the tau in the reconstruction, a new Aux variable is introduced (mapped to xAOD::TauJetParameters::nAllTracks). So the user is now able to tell if tracks were thinned in the AOD->DAOD step, by comparing tau->nAllTracks() to tau->detail(xAOD::TauJetParameters::nAllTracks, nTracksTot). Cheers, Bertrand
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Refactor and clean up the method for adding cells from the satellites using constaints/boxing. This might be relevant depending on the outcome of the discussion on the PC on if we keep this or not.
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Tadej Novak authored
Christos Anastopoulos authored
- Jan 04, 2021
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Factor common code used by std and LRT egamma config. Reduce LRT config log verbosity. Some flake8 related stylistic fixes
stapiaar authored
Bertrand Martin authored
Hello, This MR adds a protection against computing Log10(0) for very rare cases (10 taus in 15 million events, as observed in gamma* MC). It seems we can have "pathological" taus where clusters have FIRST_ENG_DENS = 0. This seems to happen when |eta|~1.5, when all the cluster energy is in the presampler. This MR does not change the reconstruction output except in very rare case, where xAOD::TauJetParameters::ClustersMeanFirstEngDens used to be -inf, and is now 0. Cheers, Bertrand
Tadej Novak authored
Teng Jian Khoo authored
Mark Hodgkinson authored
Nowadays the default reconstruction includes LRT, so there is no need for this test.
Mark Hodgkinson authored
Mark Hodgkinson authored
Then we can see it along with all the other RecExRecoTests.
- Dec 26, 2020
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
This is necessary on macOS 11, as system headers on that OS do define these macros for some weird reason.
- Dec 23, 2020
Andrii Verbytskyi authored
- Dec 22, 2020
scott snyder authored
Object returned from TrackSelectionProcessorTool::process() was being leaked.
Tadej Novak authored
- Dec 19, 2020
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
- Dec 18, 2020
Frank Winklmeier authored
scott snyder authored
PseudoJetContainer needs to delete the objects in m_emptyExtractors.
scott snyder authored
Add forgotten call to checkRelease(); needed to free memory.
- Dec 17, 2020
Frank Winklmeier authored
Enable flake8 and delete two unused modules (`JetCopyMomentsAlg`, `JetMomentsConfigHelpers`). Only install ROOT files into data area.
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
scott snyder authored
Check result of dynamic_cast before dereferencing.
- Dec 16, 2020
Mark Hodgkinson authored
AOD.pool.root and not myAOD.pool.root.
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Mark Hodgkinson authored
Remove large radius tracking (LRT) test because LRT is now on by default.
Note that this currently generates a compile error since fv.m() is not a valid way to access that component any more