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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 25, 2016
  2. Nov 23, 2016
    • Martin Rybar's avatar
      new items to express stream (ATR-15214) (TriggerMenu-00-20-58-15) · 164a07f2
      Martin Rybar authored
      	* new items to express stream (ATR-15214)
      	* affects HI_v4 only
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-58-15
      2016-11-20 Nils Ruthmann
      	* Changing L1 HI v4 menu TE70 replaced by TE200 (ATR-15527)
      	* Corresponding HLT changes
      	* Needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-05
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-58-14
      2016-11-20 Martin Rybar
      	* calib chains for (ATR-15465), fix resseding of 200eta320 jets and two multijet chains (ATR-14971)
      	* Menu compatible with SMK2485
      	* affects HI_v4 only
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-58-13
      2016-11-15 Martin Rybar
      	* fix for ATR-15496
      	* affects HI_v4 only
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-58-12
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Nils Ruthmann's avatar
      Changing L1 HI v4 menu TE70 replaced by TE200 (ATR-15527) (TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-05) · 3d607c08
      Nils Ruthmann authored
      	* Changing L1 HI v4 menu TE70 replaced by TE200 (ATR-15527)
      	* affects HI_v4 only
      	* Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-14
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-05
      2016-11-16 Daniele Zanzi
      	* reverted L1Topo change below (ATR-15105)
      	* affects pp and HI L1Topo menus
      	* Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-11
      	* Requires L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-01
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-04
      2016-11-14 Daniele Zanzi
      	* fix to new L1topo xml (ATR-15105)
      	* affects pp and HI L1topo menus
      	* Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-09
      	* Requires L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-02
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-03
    • Tomasz Bold's avatar
      typo fixed in 2.5% cut (TrigHIHypo-00-00-91) · 1bc8858a
      Tomasz Bold authored
      	* typo fixed in 2.5% cut
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-91
      2016-11-18 Tomasz Bold
      	* inserted new Vn cuts calibration for 8 TeV
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-90
      2016-11-17 Tomasz Bold
      	* inserted new Vn cuts calibration
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-89
    • Carlos Chavez Barajas's avatar
      branching to TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01 in order to avoid the removal of V6 tests... · 692bd6ad
      Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
      branching to TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01 in order to avoid the removal of V6 tests (TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01)
      	* Adding HLT_HIV4  test using EB run data16_hip5TeV.00312649
      	* branching out from  TrigP1Test-00-07-60 to avoid the removal of the V6 menu tests
      	* TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01
    • Frank Winklmeier's avatar
      Update ignored histograms (ATR-14330, ATR-15027) (TrigValTools-00-04-37) · 62e29b2e
      Frank Winklmeier authored
      	* bin/ Update ignored histograms (ATR-14330, ATR-15027)
      	* TrigValTools-00-04-37
    • Frank Winklmeier's avatar
    • Julie Kirk's avatar
      remove run1 chains (TrigInDetValidation-00-07-50) · 71ab025f
      Julie Kirk authored
      	* TrigInDetValidation-00-07-50
      	* remove run1 chains from TIDAcomparitor commands
      	* TrigInDetValidation-00-07-49
      	* TIDAbuild/samples/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_ttbar_sample2.xml: fix typo
    • Peter Sherwood's avatar
      Removing Run 1 hypos, and TrigHLTJetHypo (TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-21) · fa018ad7
      Peter Sherwood authored
      	* tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-21
      	* Removed all Non-AllTE Run1 hypos. Removed TrigHLTJetHypo(h, cxx)
      	Removed helper classes specific to TrigHLTJetHypo.
      	Renamed TrigEFHLTRazorAllTE to TrigEFRazorAllTE Affects
      	TriggerMenu/python/jets, TrigEFRazorAllTE.(h,cxx),
      	python/, python/
      	* src/TrigHLTJetHypoUtils/DijetDEtaMassCondition.cxx
      	add new variables abseta0, abseta1 to clarify the difference
      	with eta.
      	* Added new factory function to CleanerFactory for EtaEtCleaner
      	* Changed float to double for EtaEtCleaner attributes
      	* Removed eta, et cuts from HTCondition (now made via a cleaner)
      	* Updated conditionsFactory2 for the HT change.
      	* modified writeDebug to use cout (ATH_MSG_WARNING stops
      	printing after a number of messages)
      	* added a control flag to determine whether writeDebug is called.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  3. Nov 13, 2016
  4. Nov 09, 2016
    • Kenji Hamano's avatar
    • Yu Nakahama Higuchi's avatar
      Updated L1Topo xmls for Physics_pp_v6, Physics,MC_HI_v4 to include LATE-MU10... · be64bc1f
      Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
      Updated L1Topo xmls for Physics_pp_v6, Physics,MC_HI_v4 to include LATE-MU10 instead of LATEMU10 (TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65)
      	* Updated L1Topo xmls for Physics_pp_v6, Physics_HI_v4 and
      	MC_HI_v4 to include LATE-MU10 instead of LATEMU10
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65
      2016-11-03 Nils Ruthmann
      	* Disable debug flag
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-64
      2016-11-03 Martin Rybar
      	* UPC update (ATR-14967)
      	* impacts only HI_v4 menu
      	* Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-63
      2016-11-02 Martin Rybar
      	* Update on luminosity (ATR-152451)
      	* fix to L1_BGRP0,1,7 (ATR-1538)
      	* UPC updated (ATR-14967)
      	* affects HI_v4 menu only
      	* Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-56
      	* TriggerMenuXML-04-02-62
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Martin Rybar's avatar
      UPC update (ATR-14967) (TriggerMenu-00-20-58) · 10cc5499
      Martin Rybar authored
      	* UPC update (ATR-14967)
      	* impacts only HI_v4 menu
      	* needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-63
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-58
      2016-11-03 Nils Ruthmann
      	* Allowing multiple l1 seeds for idcalibtrk chains in HIv4 menu (ATR-15284)
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-57
      2016-11-02 Martin Rybar
      	* Update on jets (ATR-14971)
      	* Update on luminosity (ATR-152451)
      	* fix to L1_BGRP0,1,7 (ATR-1538)
      	* UPC updated (ATR-14967)
      	* affects HI_v4 menu only
      	* Needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-62
      	* TriggerMenu-00-20-56
      2016-11-02 Martin Rybar
      	* Update on UPC + jets (ATR-14967)
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)