- Nov 25, 2016
Jiri Masik authored
- Nov 23, 2016
Martin Rybar authored
* new items to express stream (ATR-15214) * affects HI_v4 only * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-15 2016-11-20 Nils Ruthmann * Changing L1 HI v4 menu TE70 replaced by TE200 (ATR-15527) * Corresponding HLT changes * Needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-05 * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-14 2016-11-20 Martin Rybar * calib chains for (ATR-15465), fix resseding of 200eta320 jets and two multijet chains (ATR-14971) * Menu compatible with SMK2485 * affects HI_v4 only * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-13 2016-11-15 Martin Rybar * fix for ATR-15496 * affects HI_v4 only * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-12 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Nils Ruthmann authored
* Changing L1 HI v4 menu TE70 replaced by TE200 (ATR-15527) * affects HI_v4 only * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-14 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-05 2016-11-16 Daniele Zanzi * reverted L1Topo change below (ATR-15105) * affects pp and HI L1Topo menus * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-11 * Requires L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-01 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-04 2016-11-14 Daniele Zanzi * fix to new L1topo xml (ATR-15105) * affects pp and HI L1topo menus * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-09 * Requires L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-02 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-03
Tomasz Bold authored
* typo fixed in 2.5% cut * TrigHIHypo-00-00-91 2016-11-18 Tomasz Bold * inserted new Vn cuts calibration for 8 TeV * TrigHIHypo-00-00-90 2016-11-17 Tomasz Bold * inserted new Vn cuts calibration * TrigHIHypo-00-00-89
Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
branching to TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01 in order to avoid the removal of V6 tests (TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01) * Adding HLT_HIV4 test using EB run data16_hip5TeV.00312649 * branching out from TrigP1Test-00-07-60 to avoid the removal of the V6 menu tests * TrigP1Test-00-07-60-01
Frank Winklmeier authored
* bin/rootcomp.py: Update ignored histograms (ATR-14330, ATR-15027) * TrigValTools-00-04-37
Frank Winklmeier authored
Julie Kirk authored
* TrigInDetValidation-00-07-50 * remove run1 chains from TIDAcomparitor commands * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-49 * TIDAbuild/samples/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_ttbar_sample2.xml: fix typo
Peter Sherwood authored
* tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-21 * Removed all Non-AllTE Run1 hypos. Removed TrigHLTJetHypo(h, cxx) Removed helper classes specific to TrigHLTJetHypo. Renamed TrigEFHLTRazorAllTE to TrigEFRazorAllTE Affects TriggerMenu/python/jets, TrigEFRazorAllTE.(h,cxx), python/TrigEFRazorAllTEMonitoring.py, python/TrigEFRazorAllTE.py * src/TrigHLTJetHypoUtils/DijetDEtaMassCondition.cxx add new variables abseta0, abseta1 to clarify the difference with eta. * Added new factory function to CleanerFactory for EtaEtCleaner * Changed float to double for EtaEtCleaner attributes * Removed eta, et cuts from HTCondition (now made via a cleaner) * Updated conditionsFactory2 for the HT change. * modified writeDebug to use cout (ATH_MSG_WARNING stops printing after a number of messages) * added a control flag to determine whether writeDebug is called. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Nov 13, 2016
Martin Rybar authored
semi-forward jet triggers (ATR-14971), fix to ATR-15172, fix to ATR-15287, add L1_LHCF (ATR-15423) (TriggerMenu-00-20-58-06) * semi-forward jet triggers (ATR-14971), fix to ATR-15172, fix to ATR-15287, add L1_LHCF (ATR-15423) * affect HI_v4 menu only * needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-02 * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-06 2016-11-09 Daniele Zanzi * fixed L1Topo xml (ATR-15105) * requires L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-01 * affects both pp and HI * needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-01 * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-05 2016-11-08 Noam Tal Hod * added xe110_pufit_wEFMu_L1XE60 in MC (ATR-15096) * affecting only MC_pp_v6 * needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-branch * TriggerMenu-00-20-58-04 2016-11-08 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * EgammaCleanMonitoring.py updated for the HI menu (ATR-15273) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Martin Rybar authored
semi-forward jet triggers (ATR-14971), fix to ATR-15172, fix to ATR-15287, add L1_LHCF (ATR-15423) (TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-02) * fix to ATR-15172, fix to ATR-15287, fix to ATR-15423 * affect HI_v4 menu only * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-06 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-02 2016-11-09 Daniele Zanzi * fixed L1Topo xml (ATR-15105) * associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58-05 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65-01
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Improve TriggerTool tests * Test for presence of outputHLT*xml in CheckKeys * grep for write lock in UploadMenuKeys as well as CheckKeys * grep for SEVERE in UploadMenuKeys and CheckKeys * TrigP1Test-00-07-59 2016-10-21 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * Test for presence of outputHLT*xml in UploadMenuKeys * TrigP1Test-00-07-58
Julie Kirk authored
Julie Kirk authored
2016-11-08 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus086.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-48 * updates for new references and new sample for FTK tests M test/TrigInDetValidation_TestConfiguration.xml M TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_minBias_offline.xml M TIDAbuild/samples/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_ttbar_sample2.xml 2016-11-07 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus001.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-47 * updates for reference files M TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_el_ttbar_pu40.xml M TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_el_single_e_7-80_larged0_PU.xml M TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_all_ttbar_pu46.xml M TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_bjet_IBL_pu40_offline.xml 2016-11-02 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-46 * changes to save .dat files 2016-10-18 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus001.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-45 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Frank Winklmeier authored
* bin/rootcomp.py: Fix bug with --zip option (ATR-14961) * TrigValTools-00-04-36
John Baines authored
Davide Gerbaudo authored
tag 00-01-01 for ATR-15105 from L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-69-branch @ 782739 (L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-01) * rename DisambiguationInvariantMass2 --> DisambiguationInvmIncl2, as requested in ATR-15105. Tag L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-01 (on L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-69-branch).
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
* tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-20 * Updated JetCleanMonitoring.py
Tomasz Bold authored
* again fine tuned the monitoring histograms for Vn triggers * TrigHIHypo-00-00-88
John Baines authored
add FTK_RawTrackContainer/FTK_RDO_Tracks to jobOfragment_ReadBS_standalone.py (TriggerRelease-00-12-14)
Jahred Adelman authored
Jahred Adelman authored
Scott Snyder authored
John Baines authored
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
John Baines authored
Jahred Adelman authored
Jahred Adelman authored
Jahred Adelman authored
Tomoya Iizawa authored
Update nTracks for current data format, modify requirement to include joboption python file. (TrigFTKByteStream-00-00-03)
John Baines authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Move disableMP argument from transformExecutor class to athenaExecutor class (ATLASJT-318) (PyJobTransforms-03-00-09)
Julie Kirk authored
Jahred Adelman authored
John Baines authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
- Nov 09, 2016
Kenji Hamano authored
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
Updated L1Topo xmls for Physics_pp_v6, Physics,MC_HI_v4 to include LATE-MU10 instead of LATEMU10 (TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65) * Updated L1Topo xmls for Physics_pp_v6, Physics_HI_v4 and MC_HI_v4 to include LATE-MU10 instead of LATEMU10 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-65 2016-11-03 Nils Ruthmann * Disable debug flag * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-64 2016-11-03 Martin Rybar * UPC update (ATR-14967) * impacts only HI_v4 menu * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-58 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-63 2016-11-02 Martin Rybar * Update on luminosity (ATR-152451) * fix to L1_BGRP0,1,7 (ATR-1538) * UPC updated (ATR-14967) * affects HI_v4 menu only * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-56 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-62 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Martin Rybar authored
* UPC update (ATR-14967) * impacts only HI_v4 menu * needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-63 * TriggerMenu-00-20-58 2016-11-03 Nils Ruthmann * Allowing multiple l1 seeds for idcalibtrk chains in HIv4 menu (ATR-15284) * TriggerMenu-00-20-57 2016-11-02 Martin Rybar * Update on jets (ATR-14971) * Update on luminosity (ATR-152451) * fix to L1_BGRP0,1,7 (ATR-1538) * UPC updated (ATR-14967) * affects HI_v4 menu only * Needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-62 * TriggerMenu-00-20-56 2016-11-02 Martin Rybar * Update on UPC + jets (ATR-14967) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)