Commits on Source (57)
Frank Winklmeier authoredb7cad5f8
Frank Winklmeier authoredb39b3679
Frank Winklmeier authored
`doLVL2` and `doEF` were used during Run-1 to configure the two-level HLT. This has not been supported since a long time and was replaced by a single `doHLT` flag. Adjust relevant python fragments.
2ba1c3ed -
Frank Winklmeier authored
Remove the following unused `TriggerFlags`: - doHLTpersistency - readLVL1Calo - readLVL1Muon - disableRandomPrescale - useOfflineSpacePoints - doNtuple - abortOnConfigurationError
390a0383 -
Rafal Bielski authoredddd8882a
Attila Krasznahorkay authored608ae023
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fix the `` job options that are used to validate updates to the calorimeter noise conditions. Closes ATR-22384.
58f66a16 -
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Without that CMake would not execute the finding code twice in the same configuration file as it turns out...
0ea5edd6 -
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Didn't do a more thorough cleaning at this point, since the most up-to-date version still needs to be ported forwards from the 21.2 branch.
cd7ebe9c -
Attila Krasznahorkay authoredc7fe23bb
Stewart Martin-Haugh authoredf7ab56be
Teng Jian Khoo authored2ce9a3ab
Teng Jian Khoo authoreda7239d8d
Rafal Bielski authored
Apply a set of small changes and slight refactoring of the code driven mainly by clang-tidy warnings. The addressed warnings (not always all cases, only where reasonable): * use `= default` to define a trivial destructor [modernize-use-equals-default] * use `using` instead of `typedef` [modernize-use-using] * implicit conversions of pointers to `bool` [readability-implicit-bool-conversion] * implicit conversion from `bool` to `char` [readability-implicit-bool-conversion] * pass by value and use `std::move` [modernize-pass-by-value] * use nullptr [modernize-use-nullptr] * all parameters should be named in a function [readability-named-parameter] * implement the "[rule of five](" for `BareDataBucket` [cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions] * implement the "[rule of zero](" for `TriggerEDMSerialiserTool::Address` * local copy of a variable never modified -> avoid the copy [performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization] * some methods could be made static member functions or anonymous-namespace functions [readability-convert-member-functions-to-static] * constructor does not initialize some fields [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init] * use `empty()` instead of `size()==0` [readability-container-size-empty] * some improvements to memory allocation, avoid `new` if possible [cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory] * do not use 'else' after 'return' [readability-else-after-return] * function has a definition with different parameter names [readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name] * use a const reference instead of copy as loop variable [performance-for-range-copy] * use `dynamic_cast` instead of `static_cast` to downcast from a base to a derived class [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast] * use single-character overload of `string::find` when searching for a single character [performance-faster-string-find] * `const` values in declarations do not affect the signature of a function, so they should not be put there [readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls]
83a7c23c -
Tomas Dado authored3792231e
Jon Burr authored4b4e1ac4
William Keaton Balunas authored0229e4bd
Teng Jian Khoo authoreddf4c4109
Frank Winklmeier authored
Make code flake8 compliant. Delete unused and broken `getFastShowerCellBuilderTool` method.
d1d433e8 -
Frank Winklmeier authorede3904e50
Bertrand Martin authored
Hello, This MR is just fixing a small issue in a AOD file name. The EMTopo ART test ( that uses the standalone EMTopo-seeded reconstruction expects `EMTopo_AOD.pool.root`. Cheers, Bertrand
042188e8 -
Frank Winklmeier authored
Enable flake8 and delete obsolete `python/dataXY*.py` config files. Keep `` and `` as those are required by the web display.
d14d428b -
Teng Jian Khoo authoredb493e993
Walter Lampl authored
DataQualityConfigurations: enable flake8, delete obsolete files See merge request !38710
4bea6150 -
Walter Lampl authored
Import ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection r21.2->r22 See merge request !38718
be046d41 -
Walter Lampl authored
Optimization of Memory usage by L1TGC LUT for Run-2 (TGCTriggerDbAlg) See merge request atlas/athena!38485
de4c55f6 -
Walter Lampl authored
TriggerFlags: remove doLVL2/EF and other unused flags See merge request atlas/athena!38724
bf79d982 -
Walter Lampl authored
Annotate jet dictionaries in See merge request !38752
f548b941 -
Walter Lampl authored
Handle ROB status flags See merge request atlas/athena!38757
01173ccf -
Walter Lampl authored
TrigAnalysisTest: Don't run AOD checks on RDO_TRIG See merge request !38726
62aae8ca -
Walter Lampl authored
Improvements in pixel monitoring See merge request atlas/athena!38739
6a5dc1e3 -
Walter Lampl authored
HepMC3 nightly brach fixes 01122020 part 2 See merge request atlas/athena!38763
2e9a8db0 -
Walter Lampl authored
HepMC3 nigtly branch fixes, 02122020 part 2 See merge request atlas/athena!38797
b270db26 -
Walter Lampl authored
Hepmc3 nightly fixes 02122020 part 5 See merge request atlas/athena!38804
5d7c8ba9 -
Setting multiple streams to write to the same file causes problems when there is an overlap in the streams' metadata itemlists that is not 1-to-1: those items in the overlap will add more entries to the metadata tree than the others causing a failure when attempting to close the file after writing. If the list is 1-to-1 overlapping the metadata tree has multiple entries, which may lead to undefined behaviour. There is no reason to expect multiple output streams to need to write to the same file. We do not support that configuration, and should not test for it.
b35b1bdb -
Walter Lampl authored
EventSplit test streams write to seperate files Fixes ATEAM-682 Closes ATEAM-682 See merge request atlas/athena!38770
bbc200aa -
Walter Lampl authored
TriggerJobOpts: fix test_hltConditions Closes ATR-22384 See merge request atlas/athena!38784
85f57c41 -
Walter Lampl authored
Make verbose views output (for stalls) the default See merge request !38798
15ffda52 -
Walter Lampl authored
Allow legacy HLT jet monitoring to read shallow copies: ATR-22462 See merge request atlas/athena!38805
566b562b -
Walter Lampl authored
New configuration and package updates See merge request atlas/athena!38791
03246bc7 -
Walter Lampl authored
[ISF_]FastCaloSim: enable flake8 and fix code See merge request atlas/athena!38818
44ec60a1 -
Walter Lampl authored
TrigOutputHandling: clang-tidy suggestions and small improvements See merge request atlas/athena!38806
b6586fa5 -
Walter Lampl authored
AnalysisTop: Re-enabling GlobalTriggerEfficiencyCorrection tool See merge request atlas/athena!38809
dbccb8bb -
Walter Lampl authored
Add MuonGeoModelCfg to the tracking geometry svc See merge request atlas/athena!38814
aac09850 -
Walter Lampl authored
Fix bug in neutral PFO thinning See merge request atlas/athena!38816
d2e003d0 -
Walter Lampl authored
Improve memory management of fastjet::ClusterSequence in JetClusterer See merge request atlas/athena!38817
66979583 -
Walter Lampl authored
tauRec: fix standalone EMTopo script See merge request atlas/athena!38820
5c786a6d -
Walter Lampl authored
Externals Update and CMake Fixes, master branch (2020.12.01.) See merge request atlas/athena!38749
- AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestEventSplit.ref 3 additions, 12 deletions...henaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestEventSplit.ref
- AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/ 1 addition, 1 deletion...t/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/
- AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/test/ 2 additions, 1
- AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/test/ 2 additions, 1 deletion...est/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/test/
- Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx 4 additions, 6 deletionsCalorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx
- Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ 1 addition, 0 deletionsControl/AthenaConfiguration/python/
- Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ 1 addition, 0 deletionsControl/AthenaConfiguration/python/
- Control/RootUtils/CMakeLists.txt 1 addition, 0 deletionsControl/RootUtils/CMakeLists.txt
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/CMakeLists.txt 1 addition, 1 deletionDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/CMakeLists.txt
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 3 additions, 3 deletionsDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 3 additions, 6 deletionsDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 1 addition, 0 deletions...ty/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 26 deletionsDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 3 deletionsDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 3 deletions...ality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 26 deletions...uality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 3 deletionsDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 3 deletions...Quality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 3 deletions...Quality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/ 0 additions, 4 deletionsDataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/python/