Merge 21.0.125 and 21.0.126 into 21.3 branch
This is the list of merge requests that were included bewtween release/21.0.125 and the previous release release/21.0.124:
- !42930 (merged) : Reporting events which passed ISF_SimEventFilter for ReSim jobs (ATLASJT-417)
- !42865 (merged) : Add property to scale xtalk between middle and back layer of LArEM
- !42861 (merged) : Sweeping !42812 (merged) from 21.3 to 21.0.
- !42789 (merged) : egamma ART change from master to rel21
- !42474 (merged) : Sweeping !42384 (merged) from 21.2 to 21.0.
- !42530 (merged) : additional histograms for egamma ART
- !42307 (merged) : Add missing Charginos package to AthSimulation project
- !42294 (merged) : Apply ZeroLifetimePositioner to all neutral mesons with oscillations: B0, B0s, D0
- !42337 (merged) : Changes to propagate Pile-up xAOD::Truth information to HITS files
- !42172 (merged) : Adding LAr cell DQ plots to UPC stream
- !42332 (merged) : TCT: Increasing memory for AthenaMP tests and updating the comparison step
- !41970 (merged) : Fix in AthSimulation nightlies
- !42031 (merged) : Fix for ALFA_SimHitsTestTool (ATLASSIM-5034)
This is the list of merge requests that were included bewtween release/21.0.126 and the previous release release/21.0.125:
- !42991 (merged) : Reporting ReSim events to the jobReport (ATLASJT-417)
Link to the full diff between release/21.0.126 and release/21.0.124 is available at