Daily merge of 23.0 into master
Conflict in References.py
because the sweep includes an FT0V MR !63714 (merged). Updated reference ESD-s for four q-tests, and updated corresponding version tags in the References.py
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !63854 (merged) add LArHVIdMapping and LArCalibLineMapping to selection.xml LAr
- !63848 (merged) ParticleGun: fix pdgid and status of incoming particles Generators
- !63844 (merged) Updating MET Trigger Monitoring for nnmet and partly reverting to L1XE50 plots DQ, JetEtmiss, Trigger
- !63836 (merged) Use CxxUtils:: instead of boost:: for starts_with in ReweightUtils Analysis
- !63840 (merged) TRT_RawDataByteStreamCnv clang-tidy fixes InnerDetector
- !63835 (merged) Use CxxUtils:: instead of boost:: for starts_with in RDBAccessSvc Database
- !63816 (merged) Use ArenaPoolSTLAllocator for PRD and inverse multimap Tracking
- !63833 (merged) Updated logic for trigger function if DQ.useTrigger flag is disabled DQ
- !63714 (merged) Part of ATLASRECTS-7656 : TrackParametersCnv_p2 lets try to use Trk::SurfaceType::Curvilinear and fix FitQuality Run2-DataReco-output-changed, Run2-MCReco-output-changed, Run3-DataReco-output-changed, Run3-MCReco-output-changed, Tools, Tracking, frozen-tier0-violating
- !63799 (merged) Fix for ATR-27420 causing error in GenerateMenuMT stage of trig_mc_newJO_ITk_build in master Tau, Trigger, TriggerID, TriggerMenu
- !63849 (merged) Revert "PyUtils: Speed up processing of skipped branches in diff-root." Tools
- !63796 (merged) btagging configuration for HI data/MC in rel23 Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63806 (merged) CxxUtils starts/ends _with : Add overloads for const char* inputs Core
- !63737 (merged) Remove expressions with Truthparticle::status()%1000 Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, Egamma, Generators, InnerDetector, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction, Tracking
- !63662 (merged) Monitoring of clustered cells Calorimeter, DQ
- !63794 (merged) TrigJetMon: replacing HLT_HT1000 preselj180 with preselcHT450 DQ, JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerJet
Edited by Vakhtang Tsulaia