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Commit 4437df8f authored by Eric Torrence's avatar Eric Torrence
Browse files

Add CB fit to waveform tool

parent 35043ae1
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22 merge requests!197Reco Script update for Segment Finder,!194Reco script update,!176Waveform Reco updates,!175Waveform reco update,!173Update production to latest master,!167Catch raw data format errors,!166Waveform raw integral bug,!165Reco scripts,!162Production Reco Scripts,!161Add waveform identifiers, configure digitizer channels,!159Move Waveform code to its own major area,!157Catch error on truncated events,!155Cluster Limit,!138Made NoisyStripFinder package,!134Added raw data reconstruction tests to pipeline,!123Waveform reconstruction bugfix,!118Wavereco bugfix,!114Rename xAOD TLB Aux Data class,!107Xrootd support,!105Wavereco bugfix,!104Wavereco,!103Waveform reconstruction
......@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ ScintWaveformRecAlg::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const {
// Write something out
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Channel " << wave->channel() << " baseline: " << *baseline );
// Reconstruct the hits
WaveformHitContainer* container = m_recoTool->reconstruct(*wave, *baseline);
// This is transient, so delete it here
delete baseline;
......@@ -14,10 +14,14 @@
// Base class
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include "ScintRawEvent/ScintWaveform.h"
#include "ScintRecEvent/WaveformBaselineData.h"
//#include "ScintRawEvent/ScintWaveform.h"
//#include "ScintRecEvent/WaveformBaselineData.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
class ScintWaveform;
class WaveformBaselineData;
class WaveformHitContainer;
///Interface for Waveform reco algorithms
class IWaveformReconstructionTool : virtual public IAlgTool
......@@ -28,12 +32,10 @@ class IWaveformReconstructionTool : virtual public IAlgTool
virtual ~IWaveformReconstructionTool() = default;
// Find the baseline for a complete raw waveform
virtual WaveformBaselineData* findBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const = 0;
/** Reconstruct a single waveform into a list of hits
* @param[in] @c RDOs the raw data objects
//virtual WaveformHitCollection* reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& wave) const = 0;
// Reconstruct all peaks in a raw waveform
virtual WaveformHitContainer* reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& wave, const WaveformBaselineData& baseline) const = 0;
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TFitResult.h"
#include "TFitResultPtr.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include <vector>
// Constructor
WaveformReconstructionTool::WaveformReconstructionTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) :
......@@ -35,11 +38,167 @@ WaveformReconstructionTool::initialize() {
// Reconstruction step
WaveformReconstructionTool::reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& wave) const {
WaveformReconstructionTool::reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& rawWaveform, const WaveformBaselineData& baseline) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" reconstruct called ");
// Start out with empty WaveformHitContainer
WaveformHitContainer* container = new WaveformHitContainer();
// Create baseline-subtracted data array
std::vector<float> wave(rawWaveform.adc_counts().begin(), rawWaveform.adc_counts().end());
for (auto& element : wave)
element = baseline.mean - element;
// Define the fit functions here outside the loop
TF1 gfunc("gfunc", "gaus");
TF1 cbfunc("cbfunc", "crystalball");
// Now we iteratively find peaks and fit
while(true) {
// Find max value location in array
unsigned int imax = std::max_element(wave.begin(), wave.end()) - wave.begin();
float maxval = wave[imax];
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Found max value " << maxval << " at position " << imax );
// Check if this is over threshold
float pulseThreshold = 10.; // In baseline sigma
if (maxval < pulseThreshold*baseline.rms) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Failed threshold");
// Make a window around this peak, values are in bins, so units of 2ns
// Ensure our window is within the vector range
int lo_edge = (imax - 10) > 0 ? (imax - 10) : 0;
int hi_edge = (imax + 40) < wave.size() ? (imax + 40) : wave.size();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Windowing waveform from " << lo_edge << " to " << hi_edge);
std::vector<float> window(wave.begin()+lo_edge, wave.begin()+hi_edge);
// Array of matching time values (in ns), find mean and rms of these data
std::vector<float> tvec(50, 0.);
double tot = 0.;
double sum = 0.;
double sum2 = 0.;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<tvec.size(); i++) {
tvec[i] = 2.*(lo_edge+i);
tot += window[i];
sum += tvec[i] * window[i];
sum2 += tvec[i] * tvec[i] * window[i];
// Initial parameters from window
double gmean = sum/tot;
double grms = std::sqrt(sum2/tot - gmean*gmean);
double gpeak = maxval;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initial Mean: " << gmean << " RMS: " << grms << " Peak: " << gpeak);
// Start by creating a TGraph and fitting this with a Gaussian
// Must pass arrays to TGraph, use pointer to first vector element
TGraph tg(tvec.size(), &tvec[0], &window[0]);
// Define fit function and preset range
gfunc.SetParameters(gpeak, gmean, grms);
gfunc.SetParError(0, std::sqrt(gpeak));
gfunc.SetParError(1, grms);
gfunc.SetParError(2, 5.);
TFitResultPtr gfit = tg.Fit(&gfunc, "QNS", "");
//int gFitStatus = gfit;
if (!gfit->IsValid()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( " Gaussian waveform fit failed! ");
} else {
// Improve estimation with fit results
gpeak = gfit->Parameter(0);
gmean = gfit->Parameter(1);
grms = gfit->Parameter(2);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("G Fit Mean: " << gmean << " RMS: " << grms << " Peak: " << gpeak);
// Check for overflow
bool overflow = (rawWaveform.adc_counts()[imax] == 0);
if (overflow) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Found waveform overflow");
// Want to remove overflowing points so fit works better
// Find first and last overflow here
// max_element will find the first overflow (imax), find the last
unsigned int iover;
for (iover = imax; iover < rawWaveform.adc_counts().size(); iover++) {
if (rawWaveform.adc_counts()[iover] != 0) break;
// Find the limits in the windowed waveform
unsigned int cut_lo = imax - lo_edge;
unsigned int cut_hi = iover - lo_edge;
if (cut_hi > window.size()) cut_hi = window.size(); // Don't cut beyond window
// Remove these entries
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Removing entries from " << cut_lo << " to " << cut_hi);
tvec.erase(tvec.begin()+cut_lo, tvec.begin()+cut_hi);
window.erase(window.begin()+cut_lo, window.begin()+cut_hi);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Vector length now " << tvec.size());
// Now do crystal ball fit
double cbpeak = gpeak;
double cbmean = gmean;
double cbrms = grms;
if (cbrms < 0.) cbrms = abs(cbrms);
if (cbrms > 20.) cbrms = 5.;
double alpha = -0.25; // Negative puts tail on RH side
double nval = 3.;
// Preset everything to improve results
cbfunc.SetParameter(0, cbpeak); // Peak height
cbfunc.SetParError(0, std::sqrt(cbpeak));
cbfunc.SetParameter(1, cbmean); // Mean
cbfunc.SetParError(1, cbrms);
cbfunc.SetParameter(2, cbrms); // Width
cbfunc.SetParError(2, 5.);
cbfunc.SetParLimits(2, 0., 20.);
cbfunc.SetParameter(3, alpha); // Tail parameter (negative for high-side tail)
cbfunc.SetParError(3, 0.05);
cbfunc.SetParLimits(3, -10., 0.);
cbfunc.SetParameter(4, nval); // Tail power
cbfunc.SetParError(4, 1.);
cbfunc.SetParLimits(4, 0., 1.E3);
//cbfunc.SetParameters(peak, mean, rms, alpha, nval);
TFitResultPtr cbfit = tg.Fit(&cbfunc, "QNS", "");
double chi2 = cbfit->Chi2();
unsigned int ndf = cbfit->Ndf();
if (ndf == 0) ndf = 1;
double chi2ndf = chi2/ndf;
if (!cbfit->IsValid()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING(" CrystalBall waveform fit failed!");
} else {
// Improve estimation with fit results
cbpeak = cbfit->Parameter(0);
cbmean = cbfit->Parameter(1);
cbrms = cbfit->Parameter(2);
alpha = cbfit->Parameter(3);
nval = cbfit->Parameter(4);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("CB Fit Mean: " << cbmean << " RMS: " << cbrms << " Peak: " << cbpeak << " N: " << nval << " Alpha: " << alpha << " Chi2/Ndf: " << chi2ndf);
return container;
WaveformReconstructionTool::findBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const {
......@@ -55,7 +214,7 @@ WaveformBaselineData*
WaveformReconstructionTool::findSimpleBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "findSimpleBaseline called" );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( wave );
//ATH_MSG_DEBUG( wave );
// Calling algorithm checks for proper data
// Here we just check algorithm-specific issues
......@@ -91,11 +250,13 @@ WaveformReconstructionTool::findSimpleBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const
WaveformReconstructionTool::findAdvancedBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "findAdvancedBaseline called" );
// First histogram to find most likely value
// Turn these into configurables once this works
int nbins = 320;
int nbins = m_baselineRangeBins;
double xlo = 0.;
double xhi = 16000.;
double xhi = m_baselineRange;
TH1F h1("", "", nbins, xlo, xhi);
......@@ -111,8 +272,8 @@ WaveformReconstructionTool::findAdvancedBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) cons
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Found max bin at " << maxbinval << " counts");
// Fill second histogram with integer resolution around the peak
nbins = 200;
xlo = int(maxbinval - 100.)-0.5;
nbins = m_baselineFitRange;
xlo = int(maxbinval - nbins/2)-0.5;
xhi = xlo + nbins;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Filling 2nd histogram from " << xlo << " to " << xhi);
......@@ -129,7 +290,7 @@ WaveformReconstructionTool::findAdvancedBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) cons
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initial Mean: " << mean << " RMS: " << rms << " Peak: " << peak );
// Restrict range to +/- 2 sigma of mean
double window = 2.; // Window range in sigma
double window = m_baselineFitWindow; // Window range in sigma
h2.GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(mean-window*rms, mean+window*rms);
mean = h2.GetMean();
rms = h2.GetRMS();
......@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "ScintRecTools/IWaveformReconstructionTool.h"
#include "ScintRawEvent/ScintWaveform.h"
#include "ScintRecEvent/WaveformBaselineData.h"
#include "ScintRecEvent/WaveformHitContainer.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
......@@ -35,14 +38,27 @@ class WaveformReconstructionTool: public extends<AthAlgTool, IWaveformReconstruc
virtual WaveformBaselineData* findBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const;
/// Reconstruct hits from waveform
//virtual WaveformHitCollection* reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& wave) const;
virtual WaveformHitContainer* reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& wave, const WaveformBaselineData& baseline) const;
// Parameters
BooleanProperty m_useSimpleBaseline{this, "UseSimpleBaseline", true};
// Baseline Estimation Parameters
BooleanProperty m_useSimpleBaseline{this, "UseSimpleBaseline", false};
IntegerProperty m_samplesForBaselineAverage{this, "SamplesForBaselineAverage", 40};
// Parameters of initial histogram to find baseline max
// Range and bins to use, ratio should be an integer (bin width)
IntegerProperty m_baselineRange{this, "BaselineRange", 16000};
IntegerProperty m_baselineRangeBins{this, "BaselineRangeBins", 320};
// Parameters for the Gaussian fit to the baseline peak (in counts)
// Range is total range to use to find truncated mean and width
IntegerProperty m_baselineFitRange{this, "BaselineFitRange", 200};
// Fit window is value (in sigma) of trucated width to use in final fit
FloatProperty m_baselineFitWindow{this, "BaselineFitWindow", 2.};
// Baseline algorithms
WaveformBaselineData* findSimpleBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const;
WaveformBaselineData* findAdvancedBaseline(const ScintWaveform& wave) const;
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