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UT Decoding and Clustering for 2024 data-taking

Da Yu Tou requested to merge dtou_ut_clustering into 2024-patches

Implements UT clustering in Allen with configurable options.

@dovombru @mveghel @hawu @tskwarni This the the UT clustering MR I intend to merge. Sorry for the duplicates, I was using the MR CI pipeline to check throughput numbers for different implementations.

Other features/fixes merged to this branch:

  1. Only decode UT raw banks of the correct type from !1557 (merged).
  2. Fix to channelID subsector bit from !1580 (merged) (mirrors Rec!3880 (merged)).
  3. Fix to UT stripID mask from !1582 (merged) (mirrors LHCb!4528 (merged)).
  4. Fix to inconsistent LHCbID due to floating point rounding from !1607 (merged).
  5. Enabled UTError from !1607 (merged).

Edited: Moore!2907 (merged) has been merged, UT hits test input samples should now be DD4Hep compatible ones.

Works with

Edited by Hangyi Wu

Merge request reports
