38 merge requests!77733Draft: add new HLT NN JVT, augmented with additional tracking information,!77731Draft: Updates to ZDC reconstruction,!77728Draft: updates to ZDC reconstruction,!77522Draft: sTGC Pad Trigger Emulator,!76725ZdcNtuple: Fix cppcheck warning.,!76611L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix out-of-bounds array accesses.,!76475Punchthrough AF3 implementation in FastG4,!76474Punchthrough AF3 implementation in FastG4,!75729New implementation of ZDC nonlinear FADC correction.,!75703Draft: Update to HI han config for HLT jets,!75184Draft: Update file heavyions_run.config,!74430Draft: Fixing upper bound for Delayed Jet Triggers,!73963Changing the path of the histograms to "Expert" area,!73875updating ID ART reference plots,!73874AtlasCLHEP_RandomGenerators: Fix cppcheck warnings.,!73449Add muon detectors to DarkJetPEBTLA partial event building,!73343Draft: [TrigEgamma] Add photon ringer chains on bootstrap mechanism,!72972Update L1Calo Jet Trigger Efficiency Monitoring algorithm,!72336Fixed TRT calibration crash,!72176Draft: Improving L1TopoOnline chain that now gets no-empty plots. Activating it by default,!72012Draft: Separate JiveXMLConfig.py into Config files,!71876Fix MET trigger name in MissingETMonitoring,!71820Draft: Adding new TLA End-Of-Fill (EOF) chains and removing obsolete DIPZ chains,!71279Draft: ATR-29330: Move L1_4J15 and the HLT chains seeded by it in the MC Menu,!70990Updates to pulse analysis to support new 2016 p+Pb analysis and 2023 Pb+Pb analysis,!70948[TrigEGam] Adding egamma chains to be monitored,!70777Draft: sTGC offline raw monitoring: strip efficiency re-implementation,!70654Update JetMonitoringStandard.py,!70442Draft: Harmonize output folders+collections in ID Alignment monitoring and update DQM han config,!70269Draft: Initial Preparations for mc23e mu-distribution,!70047More test chains for delayed jets,!69944Draft: Avoid additional ONNX thread spawning for FastCaloSim,!69935Draft: New efficiency DQ criteria for HLTmuon hanconfig,!69795Some updates to the LArSuperCell Monitoring...,!69643Draft: added back ditau chain for commissioning,!69589Draft: Rely on callables to deffer createion of sequences in HLT menu generation,!69450Draft: Adding WP Scan GN2 vs GN1,!69449Draft: Adding the Working Point Scan chains