Daily merge of 23.0 into master
. Conflicting inserts of newinclude
statements. Kept both includes.
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !62982 (merged) Remove the barcodes from MCTruthClassifier Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, InnerDetector, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63043 (merged) fix a regex for fastGN1 and fix a FPE error JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerJet, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !63050 (merged) TTVASelectionTools - Fix hardScatterVertexLink data dependency Derivation, InnerDetector, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63044 (merged) variation in the mongroups for lowpT tau chains Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63054 (merged) Trigger ID DQ monitoring fix DQ, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63048 (merged) Migrating lcTopoInViewSequence to newJO (by Wrapping) Tau, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63049 (merged) B-physics trigger: add support chain HLT_mu6_l2io_mu4_l2io_invmDimu_L1BPH-2M9-0DR15-C-MU5VFMU3V to Physics_pp_run3_v1 menu Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !63051 (merged) ATR-27505 gFEX updates for menu Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !63038 (merged) Update several IDGlobal DQ axis ranges and labels DQ, InnerDetector, Tracking
- !63034 (merged) xAODtoHepMCTool: fixed a bug where 1e5 used instead of 1e6 Generators, Simulation
- !63047 (merged) Fix array referencing problem for Z counting DQ
- !62889 (merged) dqm_algorithms - BinContentComp - Add option to not publish histogram with bad bins DQ
- !63039 (merged) Update TTbarWithJpsimumuFilter.cxx -- Fix the bug Generators
- !63011 (merged) Update to large-R R22 pre-recommendations in DerivationFramework Analysis, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63037 (merged) Add AtlasFieldCacheCondAlg to L1 muon simulation config Trigger
- !63017 (merged) Move TrackingPassFlags to TrkConfig InnerDetector, Tracking, Trigger, TriggerID
- !63022 (merged) TriggerMenuMT: Fix configuration of TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationAlg. Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63015 (merged) Bugfix for ID trigger muon T&P online histograms Trigger
- !63012 (merged) Move HI reco setup up Reconstruction
- !63024 (merged) MuonCalibExtraTreeEvent+MdtCalibData: Fix cppcheck warning. MuonSpectrometer
- !63023 (merged) MSVertexUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings. MuonSpectrometer
- !63020 (merged) Removing hardcoded 200e3 and using HepMC constant instead InnerDetector
- !63002 (merged) InDetDerivationFramework - Break up kernel configuration Derivation
- !62986 (merged) TruthPVMaker - Declare data dependencies Derivation
- !63000 (merged) Read/write/decor handles for TruthBornLeptonCollectionMaker Derivation
- !62987 (merged) JetEventCleaningAlg - Declare dependencies Analysis, JetEtmiss
- !62992 (merged) Add Z counting postprocessing DQ
- !63014 (merged) MooTrackFitter crash related to ATLASRECTS-7621 MuonSpectrometer, Run3-DataReco-output-changed, frozen-tier0-violating
- !63032 (merged) Adding missing item to derivation framework augmentation example Derivation
- !63009 (merged) Updated egammaTopoClusterCopier config to handle HI SubtractedCaloTopoCluster Egamma, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63031 (merged) Remove barcodes from TrackingID, use HepMC:: functions Analysis