2024-03-28: merge of 24.0 into main
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !70158 (merged) athena.py: allow --config-only without storing config (legacy) Core
- !70181 (merged) Fix bug in han configuration merging DQ
- !70149 (merged) Update collisions_run.config - add the new han configuration for all the l1calo monitoring changes DQ, L1Calo
- !70151 (merged) athena.py: remove cppyy_minvmem command line option Core
- !70155 (merged) TileMonitoring: Update Tile online monitoring script for cosmics DQ, Tile
- !70103 (merged) Optimization of the Trigger Menu generation: move CA generation after the alignment (ATR-29039) JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !69406 (merged) 24.0 TRT high threshold tune Digitization, InnerDetector, Overlay, Run2-DataOverlay-output-changed, Run2-MCOverlay-output-changed, Run2-MCReco-output-changed, Run3-MCOverlay-output-changed, Run3-MCReco-output-changed, Tools, frozen-tier0-violating
- !70127 (merged) Improvements in Run2 to Run 3 nav conversion Trigger
- !70135 (merged) LArConfiguration: delete legacy job option fragments LAr
- !70134 (merged) LArROD: remove legacy configuration LAr
- !70130 (merged) TileSimAlgs: Remove legacy JO configurations (ATLASRECTS-7939) Digitization, Tile
- !70085 (merged) remove old taggers and add GN2v01 in PhysVal monitoring Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, JetEtmiss
- !70138 (merged) Add HLT_noalg_L1MU14EOF to express Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !70083 (merged) Dev new histograms DQ, LAr, Trigger
- !70105 (merged) gFEX update jwoj threshold Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !70121 (merged) TileMonitoring: Remove legacy JO configurations (ATLASRECTS-7939) DQ, Tile
- !70126 (merged) TileMuId: Remove legacy JO configurations (ATLASRECTS-7939) Tile
- !70128 (merged) TileRecAlgs: Remove legacy JO configurations (ATLASRECTS-7939) Tile
- !69231 (merged) Implementing the MuonSelectionTool for selecting muon tracks. Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, JetEtmiss
- !70125 (merged) remove obsolete job-config files from CaloRec/share Calorimeter
- !70124 (merged) TileMonitoring: Remove legacy config from TileMBTSMonitorAlgorithm (ATLASRECTS-7939) DQ, Tile
- !70122 (merged) TileMonitoring: Remove legacy config from TileDQFragMonitorAlgorithm (ATLASRECTS-7939) DQ, Tile
There was one conflict (in BTaggingValidationPlots.cxx
). As discussed in !70085 (merged), I resolved this by taking the 24.0
Edited by Edward Moyse