- Jun 17, 2019
Remove obsolete CaloLumiBCIDTool; no longer used.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
LumiBlockComps: Online version of LuminosityCondAlgConfig. See merge request atlas/athena!24224
- Jun 15, 2019
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
CoolLumiUtilities+LumiBlockComps: Fix crashes on cosmics.. See merge request atlas/athena!24222
Zero-sized blobs in the input to BunchLumisCondAlg can occur in cosmics data --- don't treat that as an error. See ATLASRECTS-5000.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
LumiBlockComps: Fix handling of invalid per-BCID lumi data. See merge request atlas/athena!24223
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
FastCaloSim: Increase E ratio warning threshold in the gap region. See merge request atlas/athena!24221
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
CxxUtils: Add templated versions of the get_unaligned functions. See merge request atlas/athena!24219
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
TrigP1Test: rename all tests and add EmptyMenu tests See merge request atlas/athena!24195
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Provide Decisions objects for jets contributing to a jet hypo decision to pass an event See merge request atlas/athena!24114
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
CTPSim with new menu See merge request atlas/athena!23974
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Some clean up for SharedWriter incidents for Metadata in multi-stream mode. See merge request atlas/athena!24209
scott snyder authored
Add LuminosityCondAlgOnlineDefault, to configure the online version of luminosity processing. Supercedes the previous attempt at this.
scott snyder authored
There were a number of issues in the handling of invalid per-BCID lumi data in LuminosityCondAlg. If we see that the per-BCID luminosity is invalid in LuminosityCondAlg::updateMuToLumi, then we should give up on trying to unpack the per-BCID data further. This matches what LuminosityTool was doing. However, the test for whether the per-BCID lumi is valid was copied from LuminosityTool as: ``` int perBcidValid = (m_Valid/10) % 10; ``` Keep in mind that for Run 1, m_Valid>>22 is also the preferred channel number; doing both this _and_ extracting the 10's digit is kind of strange (think about how you would have to pack that in the first place). And indeed, if one looks in <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasComputing/CoolOnlineData?redirectedfrom=Atlas.CoolOnlineData>, it appears that the code that was in LuminosityTool was actually wrong --- you're supposed to do ``` int perBcidValid = ((m_Valid & 0x3ff) /10) % 10; ``` which does seem more sensible. So fix the validity tests like this. However, we then run into a further problem. In some data from run 1, the validity word was 884998144 = 0x34c00000, which is (211 << 22). So this would have been rejected by the buggy validity test but not by the fixed one. However, in this example, BunchLumis does not in fact contain the channal 211 (only 102 and 201; 211 is in OnlineLumiCalibration). This was leading to a crash --- so add further protection against this. See ATLASRECTS-5001.
scott snyder authored
Increase the threshold on the Eout/Ein ratio from 3 to 4 in the gap region. Prevents some rare ERRORs that can occur due to fluctuations in the shower longitudinal profile. See ATLASSIM-4196.
scott snyder authored
Allows using get_unaligned from template code.
- Jun 14, 2019
Peter van Gemmeren authored
Manually port changes from 21.2 MR! 23517 to master.
Walter Lampl authored
ID variables added into the online monitoring. See merge request atlas/athena!23715
ID variables added into the online monitoring. These values are stored in the expert-monitoring.root after running the test.
Walter Lampl authored
Make T_AthenaPoolCoolMultChanCnv MT-safe See merge request atlas/athena!24190
Frank Winklmeier authored
fix jet-bjet conflict; updated inDetSetup to change the name of the FTF track collection See merge request atlas/athena!23961
Frank Winklmeier authored
Creating new Algorithms for Muon RDO to Digit conversion See merge request atlas/athena!24169
Frank Winklmeier authored
drop InitializeMuonCaloEnergy and MergeMuonCaloEnergyContainers algos See merge request atlas/athena!24177
drop InitializeMuonCaloEnergy and MergeMuonCaloEnergyContainers algos. Remove MuonCaloEnergyContainer from ItemLists
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fix maximum number of strips for LM2 and SM2 NSW micromega chambers See merge request atlas/athena!24170
Frank Winklmeier authored
Ensure G4AtlasApps/jobOptions.G4Cosmic.py writes out some events Closes ATLASSIM-4186 See merge request atlas/athena!24174
Frank Winklmeier authored
TrigTauRec: Remove references to LuminosityTool. See merge request atlas/athena!24182
Frank Winklmeier authored
Add missing dependency on six python package See merge request atlas/athena!24188
Frank Winklmeier authored
Force TriggerAPI tests to use menu from current release Closes ATR-19874 See merge request atlas/athena!24189
Frank Winklmeier authored
Update some DQ python code to remove flake8 errors See merge request atlas/athena!24057
Walter Lampl authored
TileConditions: Add Tile pulse shape and timing configurations for Run3 See merge request atlas/athena!24158
Frank Winklmeier authored
Eflow rec run3 job options june2019 See merge request atlas/athena!24105
Marcin Nowak authored
Also try to minimize critical sections in AthenaPool converters Touch InDetConditionsAthenaPool to rebuild affected converters
Frank Winklmeier authored
Change defaults for Read/WriteHandleKeys in Overlay Algorithm headers Closes ATLASSIM-4203 See merge request atlas/athena!24179
Frank Winklmeier authored
Separate out MT Overlay ART tests into a separate package See merge request atlas/athena!24176
Francesca Pastore authored
Francesca Pastore authored