Daily merge of 23.0 into master
. Kept the master version unchanged
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !62325 (merged) Add L1Calo Phase 1 Input Monitoring DQ
- !62288 (merged) Switch from barcodes to ids for HepMC in FastShowerCellBuilderTool Simulation
- !62300 (merged) Update McEventCollectionCnv_p6.cxx Generators, Run3-FullSim-output-changed, Tools, frozen-tier0-violating
- !62337 (merged) Move test_trf_data18_mp to CA Tools
- !62323 (merged) gFEX monitoring for decoder errors Trigger
- !62331 (merged) Updated tracking CA flags: penultimate InDetConfig flags ACTS, Derivation, ITk, InnerDetector, Tracking
- !62319 (merged) Make FlavorTagNNConfig less buggy Analysis, BTagging, JetEtmiss
- !62316 (merged) Update FTAG PhysVal script for ROC Analysis, BTagging, JetEtmiss, Tools
- !62290 (merged) Const correctness for the filters Egamma, Generators, JetEtmiss, Tau
- !62240 (merged) MuonDetectorManager - Inheritance from AthMessaging & Remove detector element interfaces MuonSpectrometer
- !62329 (merged) Add menu dump primary and support options Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !62340 (merged) work around missing SGInputLoader config in the event context Trigger, TriggerID
- !62035 (merged) AFP Webdisplay - evaluate only LBs where AFP was in physics position DQ
- !62342 (merged) AthenaMonitoring: don't rebuild PFlow jets nor MET when running over cosmics AOD Core, DQ, Trigger
- !62072 (merged) Update PCA parametrization filenames in ISF_PunchThroughTools Simulation
- !62157 (merged) ATLASRECTS-7574: adding CA for DESDM_ALLCELLS Analysis, Egamma, Reconstruction
- !62256 (merged) Rename NSW segment maker MuonSpectrometer, Reconstruction
- !62133 (merged) MuonIdHelperSvc - Add switches to toggle the particular detectors remove reco SW methods MuonSpectrometer, Tracking, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !62345 (merged) remove redundant trigfasttrackfinder from histogramming Trigger, TriggerID
- !62200 (merged) Raise an AttributeError for getattr methods in AthConfigFlags Core
- !62334 (merged) Refactor jet sequences to allow for more caching + caching stats printout JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !61804 (merged) ParticleCaloExtension for HLT PFlow: Enabling change of STEP propagator tolerance Egamma, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction, Tracking, Trigger
- !62310 (merged) Start with the cleanup of the legacy config for the PrimaryDPDMaker Analysis, Egamma, JetEtmiss, Test, Tools
- !62335 (merged) Remove unused headers ACTS, Tracking, Trigger
- !62354 (merged) TriggerMenuMT: increase unit test timeout Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !62346 (merged) Projects: update flake8 error codes Build
- !62336 (merged) fix TrigT1ResultByteStreamConfig.py for data23 Trigger
- !62339 (merged) PyUtils: Make sure diff-root works w/ DAODs Tools
- !62312 (merged) Add resolution plots vs ET Trigger
- !62330 (merged) check return value of xAODegamma::isolation DQ, Trigger
- !62278 (merged) AthenaBaseComps: Extend renounce(). Core
- !62283 (merged) Reduce the usage of barcodes in TruthTrackRetriever Simulation
- !62284 (merged) Reduce the usage of barcodes in TruthHitAnalysis Simulation
- !62292 (merged) Use access by reference in the HepMC helper functions Generators
- !62299 (merged) update L1Calo for 2023 running and allow to run on AOD Derivation
- !62308 (merged) TrackCaloClusterRecAlgs: Fix setting of cluster link variable names. Reconstruction
- !62023 (merged) Data Quality - pass runtime configuration to algorithms DQ
- !62268 (merged) Fixing UE subtraction configuration for HI reconstruction JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !62286 (merged) Avoid HepMC::barcode_to_vertex in getPVtxZ in PileUpTruthDecoration Simulation
- !62297 (merged) Explicitly added boost subpackages Core, Digitization, EDM, ForwardDetectors, Generators, InnerDetector, Simulation, Tracking
- !62305 (merged) TrackCaloClusterRecTools: Fix setting of cluster link variable names. Reconstruction
- !62313 (merged) Tracking : Reduce a bit more the verbosity Calorimeter, Egamma, InnerDetector, Reconstruction, Tracking
- !62168 (merged) Bug fix to particle flow thinning code Analysis, Run2-DataReco-output-changed, Run2-MCReco-output-changed, Run3-DataReco-output-changed, Run3-MCReco-output-changed, Tools, frozen-tier0-violating
- !62170 (merged) suspend NSW segment reco if occupancy is extremly high MuonSpectrometer, frozen-tier0-violating