Merge 21.3.16 into 21.9
This commit merges all the changes that were made to the 21.3 branch between the release release/21.3.15 and the previous release release/21.3.16.
Below is a full list of merge requests that were accepted between these two tags:
- !28549 (merged): Fix the filling of the strip time and charge vectors in the MM clusterization
- !28512 (merged): Updating PRD converters for the NSW
- !28412 (merged): Add Dcube checks to the tests
- !28358 (merged): Adding strip time to sTGC PRDs
- !28478 (merged): Bugfix in MuonChannelDesign and removing TMath in MuonReadoutGeometry
- !28407 (merged): Feature.21.3.muonphysvalmonitoring - saving TTree in muon physics validation ntuples
- !28400 (merged): Only call IdToFixedIdTool when needed
- !28396 (merged): Check for empty m_CSC_SDO_TruthNames
- !28362 (merged): add new triggers with asymmetric thresholds (ATR-20573)
- !28134 (merged): Update MM readout description
- !28300 (merged): Move large-R jet streamers to streaming slice
- !27885 (merged): RNN track classification for HLT taus
- !28282 (merged): Add more data files for ART tests
- !28257 (merged): Merge 21.0.104 into 21.3
- !28283 (merged): Move to const DataHandle to fix trigger ART tests (ATR-20597)
- !28108 (merged): Adding CscRawDataCnv_p4 (manual sweep of !27497 (merged))
- !28174 (merged): Add new stations.xml for the NSW Run3 layout
- !28252 (merged): Use only diff-root in regression test. Fixes ATLASSIM-4346
- !28244 (merged): Remove FTK monitoring ATR-20507
- !28087 (merged): Introducing the Micromegas Projection Cluster Builder
- !28181 (merged): Switch input files used for ART to non-FTK versions.
- !28185 (merged): Fix for ATR-20125
- !27488 (merged): Add truth jet reconstruction
- !28013 (merged): ATR-20505 - adding displaces lepton triggers
- !28070 (merged): Update of the NSW cluster builders
- !28102 (merged): Fix regression test for (ATLASSIM-4346)
- !27837 (merged): FTK chains have been taken out, see ATR-20508
- !28029 (merged): Updating MM and STGC PrepRawData
- !28026 (merged): Add unit test and CSC hash conversion methods
- !28064 (merged): Fix typo in two ART tests
- !27924 (merged): Fix MMPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 to correctly read/write all MMPrepData objects (also those for multilayer 2)
- !28002 (merged): Add missing import of muonRecFlags (ATLASSIM-4349)
- !27987 (merged): 21.3 trigseed ml
- !27974 (merged): Remove output HITS file in
- !27824 (merged): Use MuonGeometryFlags for CSC/STGC/MM everywhere
- !27847 (merged): Use MuonIdHelperTool instead of single sub-helpers
- !27938 (merged): PROCTools: Update CI Simulation Tests
- !27906 (merged): Update the FC tests and add new ones for master and 21.3
- !27670 (merged): NSW Pad trigger lookup
- !27878 (merged): BTrig: Cleanup includes and minor code optimizations
- !27808 (merged): Large-R jets at L1
- !27813 (merged): Various trigger menu updates in 21.3 November 2019
- !27724 (merged): Fix for missing NSW geometry when running with Run4 geometry tags
- !27682 (merged): Sweeping !27452 (merged) from 21.2 to 21.3. Configure AnaToolHandles from athena joboptions
- !27726 (merged): Add ISF_Validation tests for ATLAS-R3-2021-01-00-00 and...
- !27698 (merged): Import of tau RNN track classification from master to 21.3
- !27687 (merged): Protect against DDDB peeking during configuration without setting globalflags.DetDescrVersion
- !27578 (merged): Fix Trigger BS to ESD ART tests
- !27562 (merged): Merge 21.0.103 into 21.3
- !27482 (merged): Updates in STGC digitization
- !27502 (merged): Adding microTPC to the MM converter
- !27397 (merged): Manual sweep of !27031 (merged) from master to 21.3: Fix for sTGC and MM in Data Overlay
- !27389 (merged): Fix BStoESD test in 21.3 grid test (ATR-14240)
- !27358 (merged): Disable TrigAnalysisTest FTK tests (ATR-20423)
- !27356 (merged): Disable TriggerTest FTK ART tests (ATR-20423)
- !27360 (merged): Disable FTK ART tests in TrigP1Test (ATR-20423)
- !27172 (merged): Updates to NSW smearing tool and adding usage to digitization
- !27256 (merged): Debug and Eta Cut Implementation / ATR-17320
- !27220 (merged): Muon quality variables at HLT level for rate optimisation (see QT ATR-19452)
- !27211 (merged): ATR-19510, loosen L2 dimuon invm cuts for DY triggers
- !27232 (merged): Adding ART output for bstoesd grid jobs
- !27205 (merged): doFTK default to False in XML generation
- !27181 (merged): Tau trigger optimisation of FTF tauCore track selection
- !27184 (merged): Skip chain count checks in slice_l1 test
- !27084 (merged): Adding an optional pT threshold for track soft term algorithms
- !27113 (merged): removing ERROR from the L1 not available message atr-20369
- !27146 (merged): Fix for G4DebuggingTools/CMakeLists.xt
- !27119 (merged): Fix for BS ART test in TrigAnalysisTest (ATR-20277)
- !27100 (merged): Sweeping !26873 (merged) from 21.0 to 21.3. Fix outputHITSFIle to match art-output in
- !27067 (merged): Sweeping !27021 (merged) from master to 21.3. Fix typo in trigger art tests (ATR-20374, ATR-20375)
- !26913 (merged): Adding switch to MM Digi to toggle VMM neighbor logic
- !26931 (merged): Updating the NSW smearing and efficiency tool
- !26970 (merged): Added one factor _emscale_for_decision as requested in ATR-18824
- !26975 (merged): Rearranging minbias sequence configuration.
- !26874 (merged): Merge 21.0.102 into 21.3
- !26876 (merged): Update of the uTPC clustering method
- !26842 (merged): Adding all required auxdata when there is no primary vertex
- !26823 (merged): Move STGC and MM digit containers to use module hash
- !26457 (merged): Cleanup ART package: remove the software and only keep CMake
- !26826 (merged): Adapt trigger validation scipts to changes in ART
- !26816 (merged): Fix sTGC digitization typo for pileup
- !26533 (merged): MET Trigger code rewrite for 21.3
- !26791 (merged): Fix output file naming in SimCoreTests and ISF_Validation ART jobs (ATLASSIM-4309)
- !26760 (merged): Adding a new package for calibration tool, and a tool for detector studies on resolution and efficiencies
- !26581 (merged): Fixes in MM converters
- !26579 (merged): Sweeping !26548 (merged) from master to 21.3. PerfMonComps: Drop lshosts call that is used to gather host information
- !26659 (merged): Fix atr 20316.calo noise tool
- !26519 (merged): Sweeping !26444 (merged) from master to 21.3. Updating to look for 'EventInfoAux.'Closes ATLASRECTS-5115
- !26152 (merged): Test20190722
- !26267 (merged): SideA/C fixes / fix strip calculations for sideC / simplify some geo calculations too
- !26473 (merged): Adding MM Overlay to 21.3 (ATLASSIM-4065)
- !26471 (merged): Fix ATLASRECTS-5114
- !26425 (merged): Fix efficiency map initialisation for HLT-based FTKFastSim
- !26347 (merged): Adding STGC Overlay to 21.3 (ATLASSIM-4066)
- !25866 (merged): Add cellPufit to MET trigger in 21.3
- !26339 (merged): Schedule FTKFastSimTruth before trigger simulation
- !26303 (merged): ATR-17320 fix L1Topo CEP algo
- !26324 (merged): Update
- !26242 (merged): new BLS L1Topo item "L1BPH-8M15-2MU4-BO" follow-up: correct mass window
- !26210 (merged): Move triggers from MC_pp_v8 to Physics and add a new trigger as requested in ATR-20267
- !26230 (merged): Sweeping !26178 (merged) from master to 21.3. FTK_DataProviderSvc: fix clang warnings.
- !26109 (merged): Fix csc related bug in RdoToDigit
- !26102 (merged): Fix MuonEventTPCnv_CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test in 21.3
- !26094 (merged): FTK pattern bank production improvement (partition balancing)
- !26045 (merged): new BLS L1Topo item "L1BPH-8M15-2MU4-BO"
- !26066 (merged): Sweep Workaround for the fact that current ITk geometries do not contain NSW from 21.9 to 21.3
- !26028 (merged): Fix logical bug in setting of muonRecFlags
Link to the full diff between release/21.3.16 and release/21.3.15 is available at
Correction This merge requests also accidentally swept the following MRs accepted after 21.3.16
was built:
- !28591 (merged): Simplification of MuonReadoutGeometry
- !28611 (merged): Sweeping !28365 (merged) from 21.0 to 21.3. RadiationMapsMaker: added maps of mass fractions for all natural elements
- !28624 (merged): Overlay as part of FastChain transform in 21.3
Edited by John Derek Chapman
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