Daily merge of 23.0 into master
Replaces !63115 (closed).
No new conflicts.
- The old conflict with the removed
was fixed following the suggestion by @cvarni - The compilation problem in
was fixed by removingxAODMuonRDO
package fromAthAnalysis
build (as suggested by @jojungge
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !63108 (merged) Add new ShadowParticle Attribute for linking between GenEvents Generators, Simulation
- !63097 (merged) AnalysisMisc.h fixing the simulated particle barcode thresholds Analysis
- !63085 (merged) Make PathResolver errors more configurable Tools
- !63109 (merged) Single HIEventShape config JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63114 (merged) xAODDataSource: Update for RDataFrame name changes. Core
- !63130 (merged) Activate G4AtlasApps ART build jobs for 23.0 Simulation
- !63133 (merged) fixing bug in TileInfoDump Tile
- !63089 (merged) Remove the TruthHelper headers where they are not needed Analysis, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63093 (merged) TruthSelectionTtres Fix 1e5 ->1e6 bug Analysis, AnalysisTop
- !63131 (merged) disable Electron charge ID selector decorator (not supported in R22+) Derivation, Egamma, changes-derivation-output
- !63110 (merged) Add TauCaloRoiUpdater RoI size configuration with ConfigFlags Tau, Trigger, TriggerID, TriggerMenu
- !63125 (merged) fix bit assignment in TGC trigger data decoder MuonSpectrometer, Trigger
- !63091 (merged) Update Run1 Digitization jobs to use OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-31-01 (ATLASSIM-6559) Digitization, Simulation
- !63084 (merged) Rewrite LArNoiseCorrelationMonAlg to reduce complexity DQ, LAr
- !63090 (merged) 23.0-coverity-SCT_ConditionsTools InnerDetector
- !63086 (merged) Fix a bug in GeneratorFilters: do not assume barcode-ordered vertices Generators
- !63082 (merged) egammaTruthAlg::isAccepted changed 100000 to SIM_REGENERATION_THRESHOLD (1000000) Analysis, Egamma, Simulation
- !63081 (merged) Update Calibration Hit Configuration Code Calorimeter, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63080 (merged) fixed a bug where 1e5 used instead of 1e6 and modified to use MagicNumber constant instead Simulation
- !63073 (merged) Check if LumiBlock containers exist before recording DQ
- !63053 (merged) JetEventCleaningAlg - Clean up the pointer managerment Analysis, DQ, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction, Tile
- !63096 (merged) 23.0-cleanup-InDetAlignGenAlgs InnerDetector
- !63087 (merged) athena:23.0-coverity-L1CaloFEXSim Trigger
- !63042 (merged) CaloOnly sequence using menusequenceCA wrapped for legacy config Tau, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63102 (merged) restore TruthMetaData in EGAM derivations Derivation, Egamma
- !63100 (merged) Restoring TruthMetaData to PHYS/PHYSLITE Derivation
- !63116 (merged) DataQualityUtils: Fix test reference comparison in dev4. DQ
- !63118 (merged) FPTracker: Fix cppcheck warnings / false positives. ForwardDetectors
- !63120 (merged) ISF_Services: Fix compilation warning. Simulation
- !63113 (merged) AthenaKernel: Fix bug in CondCont_test. Core
- !63117 (merged) AthenaRootComps: Increase test timeouts. Database
- !63107 (merged) Adding noalg eEM9 Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63079 (merged) Correction to m_trigDec feature container for muon matching DQ, Trigger
- !63075 (merged) Reconstruction - Remove scheduler warning from TTVA tools JetEtmiss, Reconstruction, Tau
- !63072 (merged) DerivationFrameworkTruth - Declare truth classifier dependencies & breakup kernels Derivation, Tau
- !63065 (merged) Moving noise filling to the jTower creation Trigger
- !62853 (merged) Retrieve PixelCalibData ReadCondHandles once per call ACTS, Digitization, InnerDetector, Tracking
- !63021 (merged) xAODRootAccess: Don't check names of aux variables read from the input. Core
- !63069 (merged) add inner-coincidence plots to TGC offline DQ DQ, MuonSpectrometer, Trigger
- !62930 (merged) New NSW container to dump the trigger processor Analysis, Build, EDM, MuonSpectrometer, Run3-DataReco-output-changed, Tools, Trigger, frozen-tier0-violating
- !63063 (merged) ATR-26675, ATR-26776: Switch Topo3 to AlfaCtpIn by ConfigFlag Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63064 (merged) Muctpi DQM DQ, Trigger
- !62983 (merged) TrigValidation: update ART inputs (data23 cosmics, MC23a RDOs) Trigger, changes-trigger-counts
- !63030 (merged) Remove barcodes from the reconstruction Egamma, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63018 (merged) Remove barcodes from InnerDetector/InDetValidation InnerDetector, JetEtmiss
- !63041 (merged) quick fix in large-R jet collection name Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, JetEtmiss
- !63056 (merged) CalibMomentumProvider - Remove PRW tool Analysis
- !63058 (merged) TrfTestsART: Update conditionstag to CONDBR2-BLKPA-RUN2-11 Tools
- !63062 (merged) Remove obsolete DigitizationTests and DigitizationTestsMT ART jobs (ATLASSIM-6559) Digitization, Simulation
- !63052 (merged) JetSelectorTools - Declare photon dressing Analysis, BTagging, JetEtmiss
- !62970 (merged) OrUtils - Declare data dependencies Analysis
- !63055 (merged) bug fixes in TGC trigger data decoder MuonSpectrometer