Daily merge of 23.0 into master
One conflict in Tools/WorkflowTestRunner/python/References.py
. Kept the master version unchanged.
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !63766 (merged) Refactor SCT_ClusterOnTrack ctors. Use them to avoid tmp allocation in SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool InnerDetector
- !63759 (merged) minor fixes of histograming in TGC DQ DQ, MuonSpectrometer
- !63749 (merged) Demote INFO messages in InDetPriVxFinder + InDetConversionTools Egamma, InnerDetector
- !63767 (merged) TRTRawDataProvider: Use DataPool for the offline case InnerDetector
- !63768 (merged) BadLBFilterToolConfig reduce verbosity Core, DQ
- !63771 (merged) BackPort the fix for ATLASRECTS-7560 to 23.0 LAr
- !63786 (merged) Use CxxUtils:: instead of boost for the only usage of statrs_with() in AthContainersRoot Core
- !63789 (merged) Use CxxUtils:: instead of boost:: for stats_with in GeoModel Geometry
- !63773 (merged) Add new flags to disable NSW only for L2 (ATR-27714) MuonSpectrometer, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63774 (merged) turning on useCaloInfoInExtrap Egamma, Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !63784 (merged) MuonIdentifierBranch - Remove stationName by string from Trees MuonSpectrometer
- !63782 (merged) TrkAlignInterfaces: Fix cppcheck warnings. Tracking
- !63769 (merged) TrkTrackSlimmer: Reduce verbosity Tracking
- !63781 (merged) TileMonitoring: Fix cppcheck warning. DQ, Tile
- !63765 (merged) Add a reserve() where we know the container size (TrigHLTJetHypoAlg) JetEtmiss, Trigger, TriggerJet
- !63777 (merged) PyUtils: Increase gc threshold for diff-root. Tools
- !63776 (merged) PyUtils: Speed up processing of skipped branches in diff-root. Tools
- !63735 (merged) Restore previous behaviour removed during refactoring of TrigTauRecMerged Tau, Trigger
- !63734 (merged) TrigCost: Fix Walltime histogram Trigger
- !63728 (merged) photon trigger hypo config for nopid chains Egamma, Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63727 (merged) TMMT EventBuildingSeq: Add suffix to prevent InputMaker list merging in CA for separate build cfgs (ATR-27050) Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !63746 (merged) Improvements in AtlasPID Generators
- !63757 (merged) Introduce PYTHIA8LHESTATUS constant instead of a hardcoded number Generators
- !63758 (merged) TrigConfHLTUtils: add tests for string2hash function Trigger
- !63764 (merged) Remove unused boost in LArMonitoring DQ, ForwardDetectors, LAr, Trigger
- !63740 (merged) IDPVM vertex plot updates for FPT PU200 ITk, InnerDetector, Tracking
- !63723 (merged) add the JetSuper vtx to the ID Trigger tier 0 monitoring DQ, Trigger
- !63725 (merged) L1Topo Adapt SimpleCone algorithm simulation to the data formats and interfaces of the Phase-1 L1Calo system Trigger, changes-trigger-counts
- !63756 (merged) Remove unused boost subpackages from CMakeLists.txt ForwardDetectors, Trigger
- !63699 (merged) TrigT1CaloByteStream: Fix decoding of CPM overlap towers. Run2-DataReco-output-changed, Tools, Trigger, frozen-tier0-violating
- !63748 (merged) Remove unused boost dependency in MuonSpectrometer MuonSpectrometer
- !63747 (merged) Use 2to3 on the old PMGTools scripts Analysis
- !63744 (merged) Updating derivation ARTs in 23.0 BTagging, Derivation, Trigger
- !63730 (merged) [ATEAM-908] Fall back on trigger xAOD::ConfigService in AthAnalysis in SUSYTools Analysis, SUSYTools
- !63779 (merged) JetTagTools: cmake fixes Analysis, BTagging, JetEtmiss
- !63711 (merged) JetMatcherAlg: initializing handle key strings (Jet and L1 container names) with empty string to avoid warnings DQ, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !63697 (merged) JO functions to add more HI analyses specific content to the output Reconstruction
- !63715 (merged) TrigBphysHypo: remove irrelevant call to HLT::Identifier::fromToolName Trigger